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Author Topic: Off to Zevele  (Read 1735 times)


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Off to Zevele
« on: June 22, 2002, 05:59:00 am »

I know you check out a lot of bands, when you get a chance just listen to some of these tracks at:

This is the band that my daughter plays in, she is the bass player on the extreme left of the picture. The band is called Limelight and they have been making some noise in the Delaware area. Let me know what you honestly think but be gentle after all this is my daughter
It's alright now, I learned my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself - Rick Nelson


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2002, 07:47:40 am »

You make me smile with your daughter..remains me of my brother and a very good friend
They both have a 'late kid'.The 2 first are 18\23 years old and the last 12 years old.
Both kids are friends and listen to punk-of cause-I toke them to 'small concerts' few times

As the result one day my brother and my friend being at a Nofx concert with the  kids.....

Concerning Limelight

WHY this live song of such a bad quality.Better to keep the studio songs only
They know how to write a catchy punk song,SURE

Do not think they are EMO at all,but.....
From time to time the guitars are a little heavy,a cleaner /sharp sound will be better

The singer still needs to improve,but they can help him by singing in the back more than now

And they have to use the girl voice.If she does not want to sing,she can speak

The last 2 words of a verse,starting the first of the 2 words when the singer starts the last one
On a song like'let it go'it can be of great effect

Beside this if in concert this night in Tel-Aviv,i will go SURE


Listen to my friends Useless ID on tour with the wrapped tour right now

Listening to: 'The Longfall' on Media Jukebox

Concerning 'The Longfall',you never listened to Buzzcocks?


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2002, 11:54:03 am »


Thanks for the kind words. Concerning the live song you are absolutely correct. It is terrible quality and they all know it, they just wanted a live song up there. My first reaction was: Whoa, this is bad. I've seen them live and they are NOT bad at all.
Concerning the Buzzcocks: I used to love that band, Fast Cars was one of my favorite songs, although my internet name is Jazzwolf I used to be heavily involved into the punk movement of the late 70's. I saw them all: Ramones, Clash, Patti Smith, Sid Vicious, Johnny Thunders, David Johansen, Blondie, Tuff darts, etc.. remind me to tell you my Sid Vicious story one day.
My absolute favorite band (and they were NOT a punk band) was Mink Deville, they were fantastic!
If you are ever in NY, Let me know.. We will meet and have a few drinks.. I'm serious
It's alright now, I learned my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself - Rick Nelson


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2002, 12:12:23 pm »

Hey Zevele,
If you ever come up here maybe we'll start a telethon to get JimH and Nikolay up here (and Doof and Mouseman etc..) We'll have a REAL get together
It's alright now, I learned my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself - Rick Nelson


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2002, 02:36:32 pm »

I wrote the email thinking that maybe your 'bass girl' will read it
In they song  'The Longfail' there is a Buzzcocks influence and the guitar at allmost the end remains of 'Fast cars'

Not sure,but i think that ,except Sex Pistols,i saw all the english punk bands and for most of them more than one time,with on the top 11 times Clash
Buzzcocks,Adverts,Xray-speed,Slits, the Saints ,the Ruts are my best.But my favourite is Heartbreakers,this was fantastic
Tuff Darts was more pub rock.You have Ducks de luxe,Eddie &the hot rods who are very rock and good
I saw ,but much before [1974] New York Dolls in Paris
I saw Mink Deville in New York at the Max's
Ramones ,Richard Hell at the CBGB and Heartbreakers in a small club,i do not remember the name
Not sure but i may have pictures of Mick Deville,Heartbreakers somewhere

I saw many many more times Mink Deville.He was at is top at the time of 'Coup de grace.The band was very good,very tight and the songs are just superb

He was,and still is, big in France.I have a live records from not so many years ago on a french label.Part in Paris,part in New-Orlean[not sure] and it is still great

Let me know your Sid stupid Vicious story.Here i give you one.I am not involve in it

When doing his movie or a tv,or a record in Paris,he has a t-shirt with a nazi cross on it
One day he had a walk in the jewish quater-sure not knowing it and not realizing  that for french a nazy cross is just unaceptable-
It did not last long before he got troubles.He got what we call in french 'a free ride to hospital'.I mean a real one

I am not moving that much at this time for unfortunate raison.But you can be sure that if i have a plan to be in NY,i will contact you


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2002, 03:10:29 pm »

If you have old photos of stuff, why don't you scan them and put them up.  We'll give you space, a scanner, moral support, sympathy, t-shirts, beer, crutches, whatever it takes.

I like the telethon idea.  Who plays Jerry Lewis?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2002, 03:33:53 pm »

>> Who plays Jerry Lewis?
Who Ever It Is, It Must Be Someone Obnoxious
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2002, 05:21:06 pm »

I think Jerry Lewis had a good heart.  He was certainly a little complicated.

Dean Martin, on the other hand, seemed very straight forward.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2002, 07:51:05 pm »

>>>> Who Ever It Is, It Must Be Someone Obnoxious <<<<

Sorry about the last post. It got nipped even before I could modify it.

However, upon some careful thinking I have come up with a new candidate...

The soon to be former Governor of Minnesota. Jesse Ventura. Could there possibly be a more self-centered individual to host such a gala event? Maybe he could dust off one of the old boas and really show his stuff. Of course his son would have to be director of social activities. Kind of a two for one deal.


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2002, 03:30:48 am »

I do not have that much stuff
I was just to much moving around to keep all.But i still have few things,this i am sure

Of cause ok to post them.It is just that i need to seach for it.To learn how to post it

I was thinking about it:if some of us has concert tickets,7" sleeves,pictures and stuff like it,to post it.Like it others can save it and use it with Slide Show,or as covert art

In fact i may open a home page.I do not know how to do it really
I have a book in hebrew,but i just do not understand half of it

I you know about a book 'how mongoloides can built they site'let me know,i will order it

I found a new place with free home page and-as far as i can see- NO pop-up windows
tk something.I will search for it and update this post

Anyway all of it is for not before september.Next week the Tour de France is starting,so i will be glue to the tv ,most of the afternoons,all day for the few climbing stage-from 11 morning up to 6 evening-
After that we may go to Vienna for 2 weeks
On the top of it i have to find out who has my Windows 2000 disc.Cause i do not want to start to learn on ME when i want to upgrade to 2000

By the way ,i never tell you about THE GREATEST PUNK ALBUM EVER

Robert Mitchum "calypso is like"


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2002, 07:53:10 am »

>>Dean Martin, on the other hand, seemed very straight forward<<

Ahh.. one of my all time favorite singers, very smooth and relaxed. One hell of a great voice, he could make a difficult song very easy to sing by just approaching it different.

>>>> Who plays Jerry Lewis?
Who Ever It Is, It Must Be Someone Obnoxious <<<<

The so-called Rev Al Sharpton?!! I think he beats Jesse Ventura hands down! But after thinking about it for awhile I think we'll keep it in the family.

Hey Doof, are you up for it?!!


You mentioned Max's Kansas City, I used to practically live in there. I really miss that place, lots of great memories in there. The very first date that I had with my wife was in there, we were co-workers and left a company party. I asked her if she wanted to go and she didn't want to because she heard it was a tacky place. I assured her that it wasn't and convinced her to come with me, we took a table downstairs where you could actually eat something (but who would want to?). I had just ordered 2 drinks when this guy at a table RIGHT next to us proceeds to vomit ALL over the table and floor! Needless to say I was horrified because this had never happened in all the times I was there. We quickly got up and left the place as the stench was overpowering. Thankfully she didn't hold it against me, it was my wife's first and only visit there

>>Let me know your Sid stupid Vicious story<<

Sid had played upstairs at Max's some weeks before and if memory serves me correctly the band that backed him up were made up of some of the original Heartbreakers and 1 of the Clash. It was a pretty decent show but would have been better if someone had turned off his girlfriend's microphone (yep, the same one he allegedly killed) anyway I had seen him upstairs some weeks later and he was sitting totally alone. There was no band playing and the guy looked like he didn't have a friend in the world. I walked up and asked him if I could buy him a drink, I told him that he had done a great show (ok, so I lied) and he punched me in the arm. It was a nice hello! I bought him a beer and sit down next to him and he starts talking and mumbling, pretty stoned out. At this time I've noticed that I have made a BIG mistake as he is nodding out and I look like a total ass sitting at the table, people at this time have started looking over and now I'm embarrased and wondering how do I get out of this? At one time he tells me that he'll have a beer but meanwhile the beer I bought him is still full as he only touched it once. I had figured that I would talk music and get some insight about the Pistols from him but it became a disaster and the guy had looked so down that I didn't just want to up and leave him. He finally nodded off and I got up from the table and left him sleeping there. It's one of those things you don't forget
It's alright now, I learned my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself - Rick Nelson


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RE:Off to Zevele
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2002, 08:25:01 am »

I Liked The Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin Movies, I Just Don't Like The Way He Acts Somtimes. His Mouth Has Gotten Himself Into Hot Water In The Past Few telethons about Somthings I Thought He should not have said.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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Fayetteville, NC, USA
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