Hello there,
I am a happy user of JRiver Media Center since 2005, and as many of yours, I am very disappointed that MC couldn't synch music with an iPhone, as it can do with any other handheld devices.
I hate itunes, so I found a solution to synch MC (that i LOVE), with a 3GS iphone with 3.1.3 firmware (but it can works with iphone 4)
It is legal.
1) You need a jailbroken iphoneJailbraik is
legal by DCMA laws (Digital Millenium Copyright Act).
You can jailbreak your iphone here-->
http://spiritjb.com/ or here -->
http://www.jailbreakme.com/ (iphone 4)
2) Install OpenSSH via cydiaJust go to cydia/search, type "openssh" it's free
3) Your iphone must be on wifi with a static IPYou have to set your local network to work with static IP (
no DHCP) because your iPhone must have always the same IP on this lan.
Be sure you have set your network to work with static ips,
and your iPhone ( settings/Wi-Fi/IP adress, etc...) to have a one ip adresse.
Now you know the IP of your iphone on your lan.
4) Install PwnTunes on your iPhonedownload here :
http://www.pwntunes.net/ (not free put trial available)
pwntunes allows iphone to synch ipod app with mp3 stored in a particular folder on the iphone.
once installed, run it once, in order to create the good folders on the device.
5) Install ExpanDrive on Windowsdownload here:
http://www.expandrive.com/windows (not free put trial available)
Now we can map a drive letter on windows explorer to the mp3 folder.
So let's configure Expandrive to do so:

- by default, the SSh login/password is
alpine- set a
name for the drive (iPhone for example)
- Type the known
ip adress of the iphone- Port is
22 for SSh
- Be sure to set the directory parameter to
"show only one directory..."and set to :
/var/mobile/Media/My Music (this folder is used by pwntunes)
- choose a
drive letterIn order to ExpanDrive to work your iphone
must be awake.
If so, then clic "connect" : a new drive letter maps the mp3 directory.
6) Configure JRiver Media Center with a fake handheldnow the easy part:
in MC:
tools/Options/HandheldDevice Management/Add Device...choose a name '"iphone" and the choosen letter device.
and voila:
you can now synch your iphone with your playlist from JRiver Media Center.
Be sure the iphone is awake during the process.
When you will run the app ipod on the iphone, pwntunes will import mp3 with tags, covert art, etc...
You can now listen your music from your JRiver media center library!
and the synch is
wireless! On the
wifi! You don't need itunes or USB connecting to upload your music on the iphone.
It works very well for me, and i'm happy to use JRiver Media Center with my iPhone.
I hope what it will help some of yours...