I spent the day yesterday with some friends at the amazing airshow at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. We left at 6:00AM, spent the day wandering around the huge show, and just as we were about to leave, a jet crashed. Two people on board were able to walk away, but it closed the airport. We had just tied the plane down for the night when the airport was reopened for departures. We scrambled to get in the air, trying to beat a thunderstorm. We nearly made it, but had to land and wait for a couple of hours in Rochester, MN. Finally got home at midnight and tumbled into bed. What a day!
Epic N468TT -- Mac's "homebuilt" aircraft and some of his elves
http://pix01.com/qm@2Gr5Johnsonville Bratwurst -- world's largest BBQ grille
http://pix01.com/rm@WowBErickson Air-Crane -- a helicopter for your next 25,000 pound lift
http://pix01.com/xm@vVd01 Warbirds -- military aircraft of all ages
http://pix01.com/sm@6tdJ Classics -- other old airplanes
http://pix01.com/vm@FfPMMore -- pictures of the general scene
http://pix01.com/wm@VS4sRoush Crash -- a bad day for this jet aircraft and owner
http://pix01.com/um@n0Q31Description of the crash