I don't know how that movie info page is relevant to the popup...
The purpose of my screen shot was to illustrate (to struct) there
is another way to display video meta data in readable form outside of Theatre View. The tag window is indirectly configurable (tags shown and order) using the
Show tags in current view option. Tooltips will display memo fields, and list and memo fields can be but into edit mode for a better/different view.
Contrary to what my screen shot suggests, I too prefer a details view. And while I do like the file tooltip, it does tend to get in the way when I'm trying to use the list as a list. I don't think a delay would help much. When I want to see it, I want it immediately. And even with a delay, it's still going to get in the way. I would much prefer an on/off toggle in the interface—so I can change the behaviour according to what I'm doing at the time. And it would be especially nice if the behaviour would revert to the default set in options when the view is changed in any way. Then I could toggle it off when it gets in the way, and not have to remember to turn it back on. Others might turn them off in options, and toggle them on only when needed.