Thanks for this. I hadn't before noticed the "show sizes" option. BTW, note that Google Image Search displays things a little differently in Firefox. The image dimensions are shown as an overlay on the image, and the file size is not included. This makes for a cleaner presentation, but file size is useful for determining likely quality. For JPG's, the dimensions can be meaningless—a crappy 100x100 cover can be (and often is, it seems) resized to 600x600.
The best way to configure and use Google Image Search is going to vary according to user preferences and needs. The options available are easy to miss if using only MC's embedded browser. I therefore recommend configuring preferred search options in an external browser, then copying the option parameters from the search URL (which is not available in the embedded browser) to the search link configuration in MC. That way, you can include whatever advanced search options you want or need (e.g., safe search setting, image size greater than..., aspect (like "square" for covers), etc.). Since most of these options are easily changed in the results page, the name of the game is to configure a search that provides a useful and logical starting point.
Google is very useful for finding obscure album art that is not readily available elsewhere. For the kind of music I listen to (mainly rock/pop) the
Album Art Exchange is the best source I've found for quickly finding quality album art...
<Link version="1.2">
<Item Name="Name">Cover</Item>
<Item Name="Filter">[Media Type]=[Audio]</Item>
<Item Name="Action">2</Item>
<Item Name="Base URL"></Item>
<Item Name="Search URL">http:////[Artist])&sort=7&fltr=2&bgc=&page=</Item>