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Author Topic: can MC automatically organize music folder? (and remove duplicates?)  (Read 1389 times)


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So I have around 6000 duplicate songs in my library (i found them by customizing a smartlist)  but there is no way to remove them. I can however, create a smartlist that shows my entire library minus the duplicates. (lets call it "smartlist A")

My thinking is:  I copy all the songs from "smartlist A" into a seperate folder on my HD.    Then I completely wipe out my entire library.  Then Import all the songs from "smartlist A" back into my library therefore having removed all the duplicates.

The only problem with this is that my music folder would be a terrible mess, so can media center automatically add folders and put all my songs in their correct folders??


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Re: can MC automatically organize music folder? (and remove duplicates?)
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 06:05:12 pm »

there could be smarter ways to remove duplicates. but there is more info needed. why cant you remove the duplicates? how are the files organized now?
So I have around 6000 duplicate songs in my library (i found them by customizing a smartlist)  but there is no way to remove them. I can however, create a smartlist that shows my entire library minus the duplicates. (lets call it "smartlist A")

My thinking is:  I copy all the songs from "smartlist A" into a seperate folder on my HD.    Then I completely wipe out my entire library.  Then Import all the songs from "smartlist A" back into my library therefore having removed all the duplicates.

The only problem with this is that my music folder would be a terrible mess, so can media center automatically add folders and put all my songs in their correct folders??
yes.. mc can add folders and add songs in the correct folder, when the files are correctly taged, ofcourse. try for instance what you see when you pick a part of "smartlist A" and select all the files. rightclick on the selected files  and choose library tools>rename, move & copy files.
you get a preview of what will happen, you could put them in any folder on you hard disks. try some before doing all...



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: can MC automatically organize music folder? (and remove duplicates?)
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2010, 08:11:21 pm »

But of course I would be very careful about mass deleting duplicates.  You might have a live version, an acoustic version, the original version, multiple "remixed" versions and of course the same song by multiple artists. Do we need to go into which version has the highest bit-rate or sounds best? Care should be taken.  

Edit: Hey why does it say I am a recent member?  I have been a lurker (and member/owner) for years.  One star indeed; it is quality of posts not quantity. Of course now that I think about it I do prefer "Recent Member" over "Junior Woodchuck".
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