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Author Topic: Syncing iPod: transfer error message & lists of unsupported or missing files  (Read 4214 times)


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Hello, I'm new to using MC and have the latest version. Some problems with syncing a 2009 iPod Classic are as follows:

1. After initializing it, my iPod Classic seems to have re-imported my music with MC just fine. Except I get this error message when I start up MC or connect the iPod:

“None of the tracks can be transferred. Common errors include insufficient rights or unsupported file types.”

How do I get this to stop? Is there something wrong?

2. MC's list of files on the iPod under "Status" begins with about 25 duplicates and then about 16 "File not supported" files which are my old playlists from iTunes. These playlists imported just fine under the left hand navigation "Playlists"-->"Imported Playlists" pane (not sure what that pane is called), so I don't know how they got on the list of files for the iPod; I have now deleted the imported playlists and simply recreated them as regular playlists and that worked fine. But I can't figure out how to delete those off the device/iPod list.

3. I also have been successful in syncing my Palm Pre smartphone. However, during the process, I mistakenly had it set to include system files and photos etc. that I didn't want synced and stopped the process and started over, changing the settings and how it synced, I believe. My music was eventually synced O.K. Unfortunately, in addition to the above files in item #1 & #2, there are files listed termed "File missing" (including ringtones, photos, and 1 video).

Please advise: how do I remove the lists of 25 duplicates, unsupported files, and missing files (not the files themselves, just the lists, because the files are not on the iPod)?

Thank you!

Edit: Oops! I'm sorry, I just noticed there's a dedicated iPod section. Moderator, please move it. Thanks!


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Well, it's been over a week and there are no replies.

But there have been 47 views; therefore, would someone kindly tell me what I can do to make it more likely someone will try to help me with my problem? Is there something I'm doing wrong, e.g., do I need to rewrite something? Are the issues I outlined that rare that nobody has any suggestions?



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Please read some of the other threads about iPods.  Older ones will work.  Newer ones won't.  It's a problem with Apple, not with MC.


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O.K., thanks. Like I said, all my music has transferred to the iPod just fine (and I love how easy it is to work with Podcasts), but the first part of the playlist in MC is screwed up. Not that big of a deal, I guess I can live with it. Plus, MC15 is displaying and transferring the album art better than iTunes did! Go figure.
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