Would it be possible to rethink the client/server enforced capability model again? I've brought it up a time or two before. Basically, a MC server would have a lot more control over the entire system--such as managing a single database of files while offering "user" based playlists and other setup if the server grants that capability.
The problem is that with a server, multiple users, and a htpc the consistency falls to a crawl. There doesn't appear to be a good method for securing the media (perhaps queuing up client changes for approval) or centralizing the data. It just doesn't seem that library server could meet my needs--or can it? Are there some new features I am missing?
It would be great to be able to also "push out" configuration changes...maybe I stupidly set theater view to 15 frames per second and want to globally enforce a new setting of 100 frames per second to clients. Maybe clients should be system based (to enforce settings via all or specific systems) along with a user login system.