I've been having problems playing Internet Radio stations with Media Center 15 since day one. The only station I can get to play is Folk Alley. This is fortunate because FA is my favorite station, but I also like to listen to Radio Symphony, Radio Jazz, Radioio Dead, and several others. Let me try to discribe the problem as best I can. For simplicity's sake, I'll deal only with Radio Symphony though I have the same problem with the other stations as well. I get the website up on the display screen using one of several methods File>Open URL>www.radiosymphony.com ; or Audio>Connected Media>Google Search>RadioSymphony there are some other ways of doing it as well, but they all produce the same results: I go to the Homepage and select "Play HD" under the Windows OS selections, and nothing happens. The problem is not the HD option because I've tried all the other (lower bit rate) options too with the same results. When I go to Folk Alley's website and click on the "Listen" icon, I get a Dialog Box from Media Center, asking me wether I want to Play the stream or record it. It will take a few seconds of buffering, and then a loud pop, and Folk Alley starts playing. If left unattended, it will eventually cut out, and I'll have to start the stream agian. I consulted with the Help Wiki, and all I can figure is maybe it has something to do with Proxy. This isn't something I'm familiar with and last time I went into my Internet Configuration, I ended up offline for hours and on the phone with Comcast forever. I really doubt if that's the problem, though, because why would it play the one station, but not the others? I'm able to play Radio Symphony or any other Internet Radio station using Internet Explorer, and that's the same browser that Media Center uses. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.