Audio Format
I'm sure this is a newbie question, but I have to ask... It's great that MJ8 handles so many different recording formats, but which one should I use? Ideally, there'd be a simple answer, but I'd be happy with a link to a heated debate on some discussion board.
Replace RealPlayer?
I was hopeful that MJ8 could replace RealPlayer. I set MJ8 as the default for all audio files, including the Real Media formats. I then uninstalled RealPlayer, expecting that the next time I clicked on a CD track on, MJ8 would pop up and handle the audio sample. Instead, I got a message saying that I don't have the latest version of RealPlayer, and offering to let me download it... Is it possible to have a Real-free PC without giving up functionality on some websites?
Artist/Genre Table
The genre field has so much potential, but I don't use it much because it's so inconsistent. I'd love to see some master table that maps artists to genres. E.g., Billy Joel/Rock, Willie Nelson/Country, etc. There are no standards today (I think), and effort to clean that up in my own library will be wasted when I use CDDB data that rely on different mappings. I'd be happy to disregard artists who cross over multiple categories. Could this be a new tool for MJ?
Playlist Market
It's great that I have so much control over what music I listen to, but sometimes, I don't want to spend lots of time thinking about it. I'd love to be able to import other people's playlists and play the matching songs from my library (of course, skipping the songs I don't have). Putting together playlists is the function that radio stations own today, but I think that MJ could change that.