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Author Topic: Song ends abruptly  (Read 2628 times)


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Song ends abruptly
« on: October 28, 2010, 05:05:45 pm »

Still waiting on help or suggestions from an earlier post. What could be causing songs to be cutting off or stopping one or two seconds before normal end time? I am using the latest version on Windows XP, with crossfade set to crossfade agressive 2's to achieve overlap of two songs, which is what I really like about J River Media Center. Songs were imported from Windows Media Player and end properly there with no sudden stopping. I like everything else about the media center except for this problem. Songs do overlap as expected using the crossfade set to agressive 2's. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.


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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 06:36:26 pm »

Are you saying you only have a problem when playing the last file in a playlist (with repeat off)?

If so, please test using ASIO or WASAPI - Event Style in Options > Audio and let us know if it makes a difference.


Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2010, 08:41:31 pm »

I did test usiing ASIO and WASAPI, and it did not help. The last couple of seconds are chopped off the songs whether they are at the end of a playlist, or in the middle, it doesn't matter. Its just annoying because I used to work in radio and have a critical ear. I like J River Media Center because it DOES have the ability to segue two songs together just like radio. All the settings were not changed except the crossfade agressive which I prefer at 2.


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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2010, 09:16:08 pm »

I did test usiing ASIO and WASAPI, and it did not help. The last couple of seconds are chopped off the songs whether they are at the end of a playlist, or in the middle, it doesn't matter. Its just annoying because I used to work in radio and have a critical ear. I like J River Media Center because it DOES have the ability to segue two songs together just like radio. All the settings were not changed except the crossfade agressive which I prefer at 2.

If you use gapless track change mode and disable the 'remove silence' option in Options > Audio, do you hear what you expect?

Is it possible the files themselves don't end like you think, possibly because of how they were ripped?  If you're not sure, you might test by ripping a CD to APE using Media Center in secure mode.


Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2010, 10:35:58 pm »

I did as you suggested by disabling the "remove silence leading and trailing", and the songs end like they are supposed to with no chopping off at the last second or so. Mystery solved. However, songs now have a few seconds of silence before tracks change which defeats the purpose of crossfade agressive 2, which creates the radio station segue sound I was looking for. Oh well, guess I will have to live with the second or two loss at the end of songs. Thanks for your help.


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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2010, 12:34:41 am »

It would be nice if the remove silence option didn't have this side effect.
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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 09:04:35 am »

I'm not sure I understand.

Remove silence trims the inaudible portion, so fades are more consistent.  Without this, cross-fades are often just fades of silence.

Are you saying it's removing too much, or are you objecting to the fact that it removes any silence in some cases?

Thanks for any clarification.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 08:33:41 pm »

Sorry, what I was trying to say is per your suggestion, I disabled the remove silence leading and trailing, and the songs no longer cut off a second or two of the end of the song. The silence I was referring to was the period between the song end and the next track change(since the remove silence was disabled). You know, its sometimes a few seconds of silence in between tracks. With remove silence disabled, the cross fade agressive doesn't segue correctly because of the differences in silence times between tracks. As I said earlier, by disabling the silence leading and trailing, the songs no longer were chopped a second or two before the natural end, but sounded exactly like it was supposed to. In my mind, the remove silence leading and trailing has to be activated in order for the cross fades to work as intended, but for some odd reason when it IS activated, the songs are being cut off a second two early.

Just thought there might be something I could tweak to make it stop doing this. If not, I still think this is a fantastic, easy to use Media Center and will probably go ahead and purchase it. The article in sold me on it.

Thanks again for trying to figure out whats wrong.


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Re: Song ends abruptly
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2010, 11:07:32 am »

MC can play files back completely "gaplessly".  If you have "switch tracks" set to Gapless, or if you have it set to one of the Crossfade settings, there will be no gap between tracks that isn't "part of" the songs.  MC takes literally NO TIME to "switch tracks".

The remove leading and trailing silence option removes those silent sections built into the songs using a smart algorithm that "listens" to the song and detects silence.  However, using it can sometimes cause issues (gaps in gapless playback mode, and perhaps what you encountered).  Plus it just alters the "artist intent" for the way they recorded the tracks and intended the album to "flow".  I generally don't like it.  But, yes, as Matt explained, crossfade works best with it enabled...

EDIT: Re-reading what you wrote, I think you actually probably know this, but I'll leave it here in case other people misinterpret your comment like I did.

You may want to try leaving the leading and trailing silence feature DISABLED and just run with the Crossfade Agressive set to a higher second value.  I use mine at 6 and it tends to work quite well.  Occasionally it "over fades" when you have a two songs running together that are truly "gapless" on the original disc, but this is relatively rare.
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