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Author Topic: More than one library?  (Read 1266 times)


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More than one library?
« on: October 31, 2010, 11:55:03 pm »


First post here. Still within my trial period. Great player so far but so many options and possibilities, It's a tad overwhelming and somewhat hard to figured It out all.

My question now. Is It possible to have more than one library (for music)?

I would love to have one with all the rips that I did and know are perfect with all cover art, etc, and another one with all the stuff and music collected over the years. Or, perhaps even different libraries for different formats (FLAC, WAV, AIFF, mp3, etc). Is there a way to achieve this?

I scanned and imported my drive once but too much random stuff, all over the place, no cover art and tags with lots of music and that becomes confusing yet handy to have It when I feel like exploring. Bit of a pain to switch between players for different needs.

Hence my question. Would love to have one library with all my perfect FLAC's and another one with the rest.

Is there a way to do that?

Thanks in advance!



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Re: More than one library?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2010, 03:44:25 am »

Short answer - yes you can.  :)

File -> Library -> Load Library -> Library Manager

will bring up a dialog where you can add / remove / load additional libraries.

You might also want to investigate "stacks", as that can let you have multiple versions of the same file - e.g. I have some FLAC rips, which I also have MP3 versions of for playing on my portable player. They appear as a stacked item in my current library.

Hope that helps.


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Re: More than one library?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2010, 08:09:31 am »

You should also consider having all in one library, and just have different Views and View Schemes depending on what you want to listen to. Remember that it can be troublesome to for instance change library in theater view. If you click the arrow next to Audio you'll see a set of predefined views. You can easily change this, or add new ones. You can have one view with only flac, and the other cleanup views for the rest of the music? Changing views is quite a bit faster than to hit File, Library, Load Library i my opinion. But as bil says, you can easily do it either way. Stacks is also a valid option. Even though having MP3 for portable devices might be overkill due to the automatic file conversion option.
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: More than one library?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2010, 03:13:08 pm »

Thanks to both of you, very helpful!

To Bil, adding a library worked like a charm and was quite easy. Thank you. Again, although JRiver seems somewhat complicated for a newbie, It's great to know that they seem to have put endless possibilities and throw everything in It but the kitchen sink!

To MrHaugen, I see your point about the "hassle" of switching between libraries (not as fast or smooth as your proposition) but for now, that's exactly what I was looking for. Maybe a library switch button in the main window could be useful and faster in a future release but I am splitting hair here. The fact that It's possible already is great. I will look further in your views schemes proposition as It seems to be, again, possible to set many different ways and paths to our liking.

I know I should start a new thread perhaps here but, anyone knows how to switch the background to black instead of white? Is that what you call a skin?

Again, thanks to both of you.



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Re: More than one library?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2010, 03:27:36 pm »

Maybe a library switch button in the main window could be useful and faster

Right-click the menu / toolbar on top (or bottom) > Customize Toolbar > Add the 'Library' button
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: More than one library?
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2010, 04:13:58 pm »

Thank you Matt!

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