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Author Topic: Strange problem when playing dvd iso files  (Read 1055 times)


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Strange problem when playing dvd iso files
« on: November 04, 2010, 12:33:32 pm »


I have imported a MyMovies xml file as playlist in MC 15. I use iso images. Completely at random I get the following error message:

"The track named 'Compact Disc' cannot be played because the volume labeled 'Compact Disc' was not found"

This happens completely at random, and can happen to any movie. Sometimes a single movie will play fine, and sometimes I get above mentioned error message when trying to play the same movie.

In the log I find this line very peculiar:  "0380408: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Open: error opening drive H:, error 265, text=The device name is already being used as an alias by this application.  Use a unique alias."

I hope someone can point me in the right direction to solving this problem.

In advance thank you.

Here is some of the log:

0378318: 4244: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0,108
0380299: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Start
0380299: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::CheckForNewMedia: Start
0380299: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: Start
0380299: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: strDrive=H:\
0380299: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Start
0380299: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=3
0380314: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=2
0380314: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x15
0380314: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Finish (15 ms)
0380314: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: nCurrentVolumeID=0
0380314: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: returning bNewMedia=1
0380314: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: Finish (15 ms)
0380408: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Open: error opening drive H:, error 265, text=The device name is already being used as an alias by this application.  Use a unique alias.
0380408: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::CheckForNewMedia: DetermineDiskType() returned TRUE, diskType=3
0380408: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::CheckForNewMedia: Finish (109 ms)
0380408: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: GetMediaCheckDlg()->CheckForNewMedia() returned FALSE. diskType=3, strAction=
0380408: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Finish (109 ms)
0380408: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Start
0380408: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=3
0380424: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=2
0380424: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x15
0380424: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Finish (16 ms)
0380424: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Start
0380424: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=3
0380439: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=2
0380439: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x15
0380439: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Finish (15 ms)
0380439: 4244: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0380439: 4244: Database: CMediaInfoArraySort::Sort: Files: 281; Elapsed ms: 0,269
0380439: 4244: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: ~sort=[Name],[Bookmark]-d,[Filename] [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 1,737
0380455: 4244: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (16 ms)
0380455: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
0380455: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0380455: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
0380455: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0380470: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Start
0380470: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: CD removed from H:\ drive. Updating UI.
0380470: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Finish (0 ms)
0380486: 4244: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0380486: 4244: Database: CMediaInfoArraySort::Sort: Files: 281; Elapsed ms: 0,272
0380486: 4244: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: ~sort=[Name],[Bookmark]-d,[Filename] [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 1,730
0380486: 4244: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (0 ms)
0380486: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
0380486: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0380502: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
0380502: 4244: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0381297: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Start
0381297: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::CheckForNewMedia: Start
0381297: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: Start
0381297: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: strDrive=H:\
0381297: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: nCurrentVolumeID=0
0381297: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: returning bNewMedia=1
0381297: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::NewMediaInserted: Finish (0 ms)
0381360: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Open: drive H: opened, nRefCount=1, hDeviceId=1
0381360: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Close: close called for drive H:
0381360: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Close: found in map, decremented nRefCount=0, hDeviceId=1
0381360: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Close:   >>> removed from map and MCI closed, nError=0
0381360: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::CheckForNewMedia: DetermineDiskType() returned TRUE, diskType=2
0381360: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::CheckForNewMedia: returning TRUE; m_bQueryUser=0, m_strAction=Play, m_strDrive=H:\
0381360: 4244: CD: CMediaCheck::CheckForNewMedia: Finish (63 ms)
0381360: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::Analyze: Start
0381360: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::GetAllFiles: Start
0381360: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::GetFilesFromPath: Start
0381406: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Open: drive H: opened, nRefCount=1, hDeviceId=1
0381406: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::GetFilesFromPath: after DetermineDiskType, m_strDrive=H:, bDriveIsOpen=1, m_DiskType=2
0381406: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::AddTracksFromCD: Start
0381406: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::AddTracksFromCD: drive is already open
0381406: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::AddTracksFromCD: openerror=0
0381406: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::AddTracksFromCD: media is present
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::AddTracksFromCD: closing cdmanager
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Close: close called for drive H:
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Close: found in map, decremented nRefCount=0, hDeviceId=1
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDManager::Close:   >>> removed from map and MCI closed, nError=0
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::AddTracksFromCD: Finish (63 ms)
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::GetFilesFromPath: Finish (109 ms)
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::GetAllFiles: Finish (109 ms)
0381469: 4244: CD: CCDFileAnalyzer::Analyze: Finish (109 ms)
0381469: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: GetMediaCheckDlg()->CheckForNewMedia() returned TRUE
0381469: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange:   diskType=2, strAction=Play, number of CD files=1
0381469: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Start
0381469: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Handling exclusive playback zones
0381469: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Getting actual playback track
0381547: 4244: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Start
0381547: 4244: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
0381547: 4244: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
0381547: 4244: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Finish (0 ms)
0381562: 4244: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0381562: 4244: Database: CMediaInfoArraySort::Sort: Files: 281; Elapsed ms: 0,314
0381562: 4244: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: ~sort=[Name],[Bookmark]-d,[Filename] [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 2,019
0381562: 4244: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (0 ms)
8621348: 1412: General: Launcher: Command Line: /DVDVideo "H:\"
0000047: 1412: General: ExecuteMJFileCommand: Start
0000047: 1412: General: ExecuteMJFileCommand: Waiting on lock
0000047: 1412: General: ExecuteMJFileCommand: Have lock
0000047: 1412: General: ExecuteMJFileCommand: Posting: /DVDVideo "H:\"
0000047: 1412: General: ExecuteMJFileCommand: IPC Name: Media Center 15 File Command IPC
0000047: 1412: General: CPostString::Post: Start
0000047: 1412: General: CPostString::Post: Sending </DVDVideo "H:\">, type 34768 to 37050e
0000047: 1412: General: CPostString::Post: Actual message, type 34768, WParam 840018, LParam 9b7b00, Window 37050e
0000047: 1412: General: CPostString::Post: Finish (0 ms)
0000047: 1412: General: ExecuteMJFileCommand: Finish (0 ms)
0381656: 4244: General: CMainFrame::OnFileCommand: Start
0381656: 4244: General: CPostString::GetAll: Start
0381656: 4244: General: CPostString::GetAll: Found message: type 34768, WParam 840018, LParam 9b7b00, string </DVDVideo "H:\">
0381656: 4244: General: CPostString::GetAll: Finish (0 ms)
0381656: 4244: General: CMainFrame::OnFileCommand: Received command: /DVDVideo "H:\"
0381656: 4244: General: CMainFrame::OnFileCommand: Command: /DVDVideo "H:\"
0381656: 4244: General: CMCPlayerApp::ExecuteCommandLine: Start
0381656: 4244: General: CMCPlayerApp::ExecuteCommandLine: Command Line: /DVDVideo "H:\
0381672: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Start
0381672: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (0 ms)
0381672: 4244: General: CMCPlayerApp::ExecuteCommandLine: Finish (16 ms)
0381672: 4244: General: CMainFrame::OnFileCommand: Finish (16 ms)
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Failed to get actual playback track
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Start
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Checking for not loaded playback engine
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Firing stop to playback engine
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Processing internal previous / next
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Clearing display info
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating statistics
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating playback state
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating UI
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Applying database changes
0387756: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Finish (0 ms)
0388879: 4244: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (7410 ms)
0388879: 4244: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Finish (7582 ms)
0388879: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Start
0388879: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=3
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=2
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x15
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Finish (15 ms)
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Start
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x0
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Finish (0 ms)
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Start
0388894: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=3
0388910: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=2
0388910: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x15
0388910: 4244: CD: CCDInfo::MMCDriveReady: Finish (16 ms)
0388910: 4244: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0388910: 4244: Database: CMediaInfoArraySort::Sort: Files: 281; Elapsed ms: 0,391
0388910: 4244: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: ~sort=[Name],[Bookmark]-d,[Filename] [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 2,387
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