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Author Topic: How do I achieve external MAD decoding for MP3 playback?  (Read 1738 times)


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How do I achieve external MAD decoding for MP3 playback?
« on: November 07, 2010, 01:30:27 pm »

By default, when I listen to MP3 files in MC15 it uses "automatic" playback for MP3, I am guessing an internal decoder of some sort.

However, I would like to use an EXTERNAL decoder for MP3, specifically, a MAD-compliant decoder.

Does anybody have any experience getting a MAD-compliant decoder working with JriverMC so I can use that instead of the built-in automatic decoding of MP3?

Thank you


Alex B

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Re: How do I achieve external MAD decoding for MP3 playback?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 02:05:16 pm »

There is no reason to use any other decoder than the internal decoder. The JRiver decoder was excellent already ten years ago: Since then it has been constantly improved. For instance, from time to time it has been tweaked to be more compatible with various partially broken MP3 files.

However, if you insist, you can easily configure MC to use DirectShow decoding for MP3. See the attached screenshot. You can configure FFDShow to use its included mad decoder for MP3.

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Re: How do I achieve external MAD decoding for MP3 playback?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 02:17:33 pm »

Alex, thank you for your fast reply.   I am so happy that somebody else knows about MAD decoding, I thought I was going to be talking into the air on this one.  While I understand your position, I have personally compared MC15 MP3 playback vs. Winlame converted mp3s to WAV MC15 playback and I definitely hear a difference (listening on high end system), and prefer the converted to WAV sound.

Next question:  I don't have ffdshow as an option when I select JRiver Audio engine (using Directshow Filter).   What is the easiest way to get ffdshow to be available to MC15?  I've searched a few different posts and sometimes people say MC15 automatically downloads ffdshow and other times they say to install it, but I am unsure what the best distro and method is.

Thank you


Alex B

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Re: How do I achieve external MAD decoding for MP3 playback?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 03:25:36 pm »

Was it a blind test? The audible difference could have been caused by a slight volume level difference or other factors. A tip: convert a file to wav with MC and with the other program and use an ABX comparator for testing them. I attached an old, but correctly working test program (it's freeware). Another option would be the ABX comparator in foobar.

Regarding ffdshow, if you don't have it installed the CCCP pack is a good source for it.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


  • World Citizen
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Re: How do I achieve external MAD decoding for MP3 playback?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2011, 05:03:50 pm »

So I installed ffdshow and in File Types set mp3 to play back with ffdshow.  here's the wierd thing:   about half of my mp3s play fine, the other half won't play through ffdshow, but they will play just fine through Automatic (the jriver built in decoder).  there is nothing about 128 vs. 160 vs. 192 vs. 320 etc.. I have mp3s of all bit rates that won't play via ffdshow.   What is the cause of this?  How can I troubleshoot this?

Thank you

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