As a very happy MC user i've populated the database fields "PLAYBACK INFO" and "PEOPLE". Espacially since you now can press the little arrow symbol next to an artist to get all of his music, this is necessary for me. For instance, I put "Michael Jackson Ft. Will.I.Am" in the Artist field, the little arrow symbol does not show me all my Michael Jackson music, but only where artist also contains 'Ft. Will.I.Am'. Therefore I put 'Ft. Will.I.Am' in the PEOPLE field.
So far so good, this works fine. But NOT in the visualisation studio. If I use my own Visualisation i've built, I can not use the TAGS "PLAYBACK INFO" and "PEOPLE" to display my entered info. ARTIST, TITLE and so on work fine, but not PEOPLE and PLAYBACK INFO. I find this very annoying and cannot find help about this anywhere in the help, wiki or forum.
Am I missing something or is this indeed not possible? And will it be possible in the future? It doesn't look very difficult, since the other tags are already working. I update my MC license every new version, because it's a great program, I hope you can help me with this feature too.
In the image below I've tried to illustrate the problem.
I hope you have an answer for me.