In my house I have 10 zones, and most of those zones has their own control. I've been using NetRemote up to now, but that will not (as far as I know) be ported to Android, which is a shame. But the first tablet based on Android will arrive here next week (or maybe not, I forgot about Turkey Day, so it may be a week delayed because of some men in strange hats shooting birds in the forest some time ago) and I'm pretty sure there will be more of those coming. So I would like it if they could get directly to theyr assigned zones, like when my son connects to Web Remote from his Nook Color, which I will (like I do with all computers on the network) give a set IP addres on my in house DHCP server.
I have 2-19 reserved for desktops, 20-29 reserved for laptops (yes, I do have more computers than I need...) and 90-99 for cell phones, so I will give the tablets 30-39.
So when connects, it will be started in the Mastiff Junior zone, when connects it will be to the Master Bedroom zone (I'm waiting for the NotionInk Adam for myself), and when connects it will be to the little miss Mastiff zone. I'm guessing that pretty soon basic Android tablets will be so cheap that I can have one in each room where I have a zone, like a touchscreen panel on the wall. So is this already achieveable with some clever HTML coding that I have no idea how to do, or can it be implemented in the server itself?