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Author Topic: MC control of RS-232 devices  (Read 7851 times)


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MC control of RS-232 devices
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:22:41 am »

I have wondered about this from time to time, and it came up in another thread, so I wondered if anyone is using this now, and if so how?  and if not, how hard would it be to implement?

Again, off topic on this one but, the other thing I would realy like to be able to do connect to devices via RS232 not just IR (or even RF). Is there anything the JRiver have come across that would work with MC (and not cost the earth as a lot of RS232 cards seem to)

I have a 10 yr old Marantz Receiver which works great, powers both zones and does NOT have HDMI inputs.

I don't have an RS-232 connector in the Server, so I have to buy a cable for USB to RS-232 and they seem to be $20 or so IIFC.

I'd love MC to push me into buying it because it could turn on/off the receiver and the patio zone from within Gizmo.

Anyone else?

Any other/easy ways of doing this?
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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2010, 09:52:05 pm »

I'm with you  on this.

Currently I am using Evenghost and NetRemote to control 2 Denon amps via rs-232.  There is an Andoid client for EventGhost that will let you do all this today.  I am pining for a Gizmo solution tho!


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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2010, 02:18:33 pm »

for those that might not be aware, many (most?) receivers have a serial (RS-232) on the back, and it allows a computer to control pretty much every aspect of the receiver.

This would allow one to turn on/off the receiver, set inputs, control all volume controls, change DPS settings, whatever.

having this ability built into MC/Gizmo would allow me to use only my phone for everything except turning on the TV, and I can handle that myself :)
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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2010, 02:52:36 pm »

In case it would help, here is the full command list for my receiver, and instructions for use :)
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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2010, 03:27:51 pm »

In case it would help, here is the full command list for my receiver, and instructions for use :)

Most units are already supported in EventGhost (Open Source Girder equivalent).  Using it with my Denon and pretty sure your Marantz is.  All Gizmo would have to do is support calling/triggering an EventGhost event and you would be good to go.  Perhaps someone could build a plugin for Gizmo.  There is already one for JRiver.  This is how I am currently using NetRemote.

Yes an EventGhost Plugin for Gizmo would open up a whole host of possibilities!


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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2010, 03:35:02 pm »

cool, that's good to know.

I've not taken the time to try to learn how to do that with EventGhost or girder, but if MC enables this possibility, I'll be hitting you up for guidance :)

I would love to be able to have Gizmo handle turning on the receiver, turning on the chosen zone, setting its volume to a known value (not too loud) and then begin playing my chosen playlist, then turn it all off when I'm done listening :)
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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2010, 03:50:01 pm »

I would love to be able to have Gizmo handle turning on the receiver, turning on the chosen zone, setting its volume to a known value (not too loud) and then begin playing my chosen playlist, then turn it all off when I'm done listening :)

All the above would be setup in EvenGhost - essentially as a Macro and all we would need gizmo to do is send a command to EventGhost server.  I am doing exactly this with NetRemote.  Push a button on my PDA which triggers the macro in EventGhost:  starts my Denon, waits 15 secs, changes the input to music, sets the master volume to -40, turns the TV on, Selects HDMI and starts JRiver up. (which begins playing the  current playing now)  Volume Buttons control the Denon via EventGhost instead of the computer volume.

I know EventGhost macros can be configured to have events triggered from a website so I am sure this would be an easy addition technically for Gizmo to be able to do this.

btw: I switched from Girder to EventGhost and find EventGhost much easier to set up. (and its free!) 


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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2010, 05:14:44 pm »

Interesting. I posted the original question and would also like to control the TV and potentially other AV equipment via RS232. I spend all day dealing with £5k+ Crestron and AMX kit, but don't think I will be able to afford any of that stuff any time soon, however operating equipment via IR leads to so many issues (like no feedback, toggle only controls, miss timed IR signals etc).

However, I didn't realised that there was already a plug in that could do this directly from MC. As Gizmo essentially controls MC, then I assume that the plug-in could be controlled implicitly by Gizmo.

Of course, I don't know what this plug in is, where to get it, what equipment could be supported, how easy it is to program etc etc. DO you have any info?


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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2010, 05:32:50 pm »

well I am asking for Gizmo plugin to be written for EventGhost I guess.  All the ability to control the equipment via RS-232 and IR blasters exists in EventGhost.  As does the ability to create macros and there is an EventGhost plugin to control Media Center.

What I don't have is the ability to trigger these events from Gizmo.  You can trigger them from any number of sources (IR receiver, RS-232, Keyboard sequence, a web page, etc)  I am not a programmer but it seems like it would be easy to open up Gizmo to allow us to do this.  Then JRiver wouldn't have to recreate the whole Automation wheel - all they need to do is allow us to make the hooks.  Currently I am using NetRemote to do this but is dated now (windows only) and there isn't much support or inclination to port it over to Android/iPhone/iPad.  They cn be found here:



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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2010, 06:07:41 pm »

excellent.  I have/had the site bookmarked for a while now, but without the cable I need, it does me no good.

I'm going to order a cable or adapter soon and figure out how to get eventghost working with my receiver and hopefully gizmo takes advantage by then.

if not, I'm going to search for a plugin/skin/webpage design software, and figure out how to create a remote of my own design.  I think all the tools are there, but I don't know how to use any of them yet, nor really even what tools I need to do what, but with some time searching and trying, I'll figure out enough to cobble something together.

Thanks for the push and I hope Gizmo includes this functionality soon (I could do other things with that time :) :))
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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2010, 03:19:42 pm »


I suggest you try xpTunes with the xpTouch skin:

It's able to interact with EventGhost:

It only needs a browser and is very configurable (requires to modify the html pages).

I use it everyday with a dedicated browser (for convenience) on an iPod Touch and a HTC Desire (Android) and am able to control in one nice interface MC and my amp.




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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2010, 04:40:52 pm »


I suggest you try xpTunes with the xpTouch skin:

It's able to interact with EventGhost:

It only needs a browser and is very configurable (requires to modify the html pages).

I use it everyday with a dedicated browser (for convenience) on an iPod Touch and a HTC Desire (Android) and am able to control in one nice interface MC and my amp.

Thanks for the tip.

I also have that site bookmarked :)

do you mind sharing with me/us your customized interface, so I can use it as a jumping off point for my system?

Also, what program would one use to customize the html pages further?

I'm not a developer and am still trying to find out what tools I need to get this done.

I'm thinking of copying (more or less) some control screens from the Pronto remote control interface, as far as design goes, but with MC commands on most controls.

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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 05:14:14 pm »

Cool.  I had looked at xpTunes when it first came out but it had choked on my large library so I haven't looked at in a long time.
Encouraging that you can do EventGhost triggers.  I would also love to take a peek at your customized interface if you are sharing.


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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2010, 02:56:46 am »

All you have to do is to modify the html files in the xpTouch folder with a simple text editor like Notepad++ or EditPad Lite.
The actions passed to EventGhost will appear in its event window with the prefix "Main": 'Main.[eventname]'.
Use this event (drag & drop) to trigger the desired actions/macros in EventGhost.
I personnaly changed the 'controls' in 'index.html' like this so that the volume is handled with an IR blaster controlled by EventGhost:
Code: [Select]
<div id="controls">
<a class="menubar" onclick="command('previous','');" target="#_"><img src="images/playercontrol/previous.png"></a>
<a class="menubar" onclick="triggerEventGhost('playtoggle');"  target="#_"><img src="images/playercontrol/play.png"></a>
<a class="menubar" onclick="triggerEventGhost('stop');" target="#_"><img src="images/playercontrol/stop.png"></a>
<a class="menubar" onclick="command('next','');" target="#_"><img src="images/playercontrol/next.png"></a>
<div id="volume">
<a class="menubar" onclick="triggerEventGhost('volumedown');" target="#_"><img src="images/playercontrol/substract.png"></a>
<a class="menubar" onclick="triggerEventGhost('volumeup');" target="#_"><img src="images/playercontrol/add.png"></a>
As you can see, I associated the Play and Stop buttons with EventGhost to be able to also trigger other actions in EventGhost like show Theater view or minimize MC window...

I changed these lines so that only audio appears in xpTouch homescreen:
Code: [Select]
<ul id="home" name="navlist"  selected="true" hidebackbutton=true class="list010">
<li id=splaying onclick="iui.setPlaying(this);">[XPTUNES_I18N_PLAYING]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('Queue.html');">[XPTUNES_I18N_QUEUE]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('SummaryPlaylists.html');">[XPTUNES_I18N_PLAYLISTS]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('AudioSummaryArtist.html');">[XPTUNES_I18N_ARTIST]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('AudioSummaryAlbum.html');">[XPTUNES_I18N_ALBUM]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('Audio[XPTUNES_CONFIG_GENRE_ALPHA]');">[XPTUNES_I18N_GENRE]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('AudioSummaryName.html');">[XPTUNES_I18N_TITLE]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('AudioSearch.html');">[XPTUNES_I18N_SEARCH]</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('Infrared.html');">Infrared</li>
<li onclick="callUrl('more.html');">[XPTUNES_I18N_MORE...]</li>
You can notice a line to call an 'Infrared.html' page so that I can fully control my amp.

I created this page that looks as follows:
Code: [Select]
<ul id="[XPTUNES_PAGE_NAME]" name="navlist" pagetitle="Infrared" subpagetitle="Infrared" class="list010">
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('MC');">Start MC</li>
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('ampli');">Ampli On/Off</li>
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('tape1');">Tape-1</li>
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('tape2');">Tape-2</li>
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('speakersa');">Speakers A</li>
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('speakersb');">Speakers B</li>
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('volumeup');">Vol +</li>
<li onclick="triggerEventGhost('volumedown');">Vol -</li>

If you want, you can also modify the Queue.html so that when you select a file, you can add an action with EventGhost:
Code: [Select]
<li id=[GetPos] [PlayingNowClass]  onclick="plByPos('[GetPos]');triggerEventGhost('playqueue');" >
and so on...



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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2010, 11:28:37 am »

Hey Sheugel, just reading over your post above and maybe I'm, missing something. Do you use IR or RS232? Or is that although you use IR, EventGhost can operate RS232 device in a similar fashion?


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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2010, 11:34:52 am »

Thanks Sheugel.
Thats a great help and enough to get me started.  I will do some of my basic controls to start.

Swinster  I use both IR control (via USB-UIRT) and RS-232 via EventGhost - it does both (and a lot more).  I prefer RS-232 if the device has it.  Way more consistent.

Ops: I'd love to know if support for EventGhost like this is in the cards at all for Gizmo.  I am (relatively) happy to wait as I really don't want to sink a ton of time into completely building all my current NetRemote functionality if Gizmo would eventually support this.  Any insight for me/us?


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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2011, 03:07:34 pm »


It's also possible to trigger an event in EventGhost through MC's WebRemote.
So you can control your IR blasters (if the device is supported by EventGhost) or RS232 amps with WebRemote.

Inside EventGhost, load the Webserver plugin in your tree (under Autostart). Note that "HTML documents root" has to point to a folder but it can even be empty.
Then, you'll have to modify the html files of MC's WebRemote with a text editor (Notepad++, eg).
To trigger an event in EventGhost, here's an example for the volume in "playingnow.html":
Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:download('http://[localIPofyourPC]:[portofWebserver]?volup')">Vol+</a>

In the event log of EventGhost, the event (after Vol+ keypress in WebRemote) should appear like this "HTTP.volup". You can then use that event in your tree to execute a macro.

You can also add a function in conjunction with an existing one, here an event attached with Play / Pause:
Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:download('MCWS/v1/Playback/PlayPause?Token=[Token]');javascript:download('http://[localIPofyourPC]:[portofWebserver]?playtoggle')">Play / Pause</a>




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Re: MC control of RS-232 devices
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2011, 10:04:13 am »


It's also possible to trigger an event in EventGhost through MC's WebRemote.
So you can control your IR blasters (if the device is supported by EventGhost) or RS232 amps with WebRemote.

Inside EventGhost, load the Webserver plugin in your tree (under Autostart). Note that "HTML documents root" has to point to a folder but it can even be empty.
Then, you'll have to modify the html files of MC's WebRemote with a text editor (Notepad++, eg).
To trigger an event in EventGhost, here's an example for the volume in "playingnow.html":
Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:download('http://[localIPofyourPC]:[portofWebserver]?volup')">Vol+</a>

In the event log of EventGhost, the event (after Vol+ keypress in WebRemote) should appear like this "HTTP.volup". You can then use that event in your tree to execute a macro.

You can also add a function in conjunction with an existing one, here an event attached with Play / Pause:
Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:download('MCWS/v1/Playback/PlayPause?Token=[Token]');javascript:download('http://[localIPofyourPC]:[portofWebserver]?playtoggle')">Play / Pause</a>


Thank you very much Sheugel, you helped me a lot ! :-)
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