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Author Topic: Creating a Pop/Album Chart view...  (Read 1223 times)


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Creating a Pop/Album Chart view...
« on: December 07, 2010, 09:15:30 am »

I've been collecting pop chart hits for a couple of years and want to create a view that allows me to view songs by year and month as well as chart position but I'm wondering about the best way to store the data or if it's even possible.

What I'm wondering is, if I create a semicolon delimited list field, eg chartpos, which looks something like this

chartpos: 19681125:1; 19681201:8; etc

eg the song entered the charts on 25 November 1968 at position 1, before slipping to position 8 the following week, would it be possible to create a view using that data where I could drill down to 1968, month 11 and see the chart entry BUT ALSO 1968 month 12 and see the next chart entry?



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Re: Creating a Pop/Album Chart view...
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2010, 09:54:53 am »

An customise view expression field:

Code: [Select]
Listbuild(1,\,left([chart date],4),mid([chart date],4,2))&datatype=[list]
Is a start, but it's not splitting the chart date field into separate entries.  Work continues...


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Re: Creating a Pop/Album Chart view...
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 10:41:09 am »

OK, if I use a data format:


I start to get the subfields I need...  simply becuase of the\ in the data...



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Re: Creating a Pop/Album Chart view...
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2010, 01:35:34 pm »

Well, unless there are better ideas, the above seems to be the solution for now.  It is not without shortcomings.  Even though MC will display the following tree, for this [chart history] data 1952\12\23\9, simply using the expression

Code: [Select]
[chart history]&datatype=[list]

It seems you cannot apply processing to each of the children nodes... only the string as a whole, which means some things I want to do aren't possible, eg work with my original data strings that dont have the \ in them... so I have to massage my entire data set to work with the MC scheme.  Doable, but not ideal.

Still, impressive what can be achieved in MC.



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Re: Creating a Pop/Album Chart view...
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 01:57:47 am »

Falls at last hurdle  :'(

I created the field Chart History and populated it with data of the format:



1952\11\15\1; 1952\11\22\3;

This can be displayed correctly as a drillable tree, but because MC only parses the start of the data entry, eg 1952\11\15\1 in the above, I cannot sort the display on the position number, so I drill down to a week, month, year and can display all the tracks that were in the charts that week but I cannot sort their order correctly.

Any ideas?



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