In doing the weekly charts how are you resolving storing the info of a song that has charted for several weeks?
By using nested data in a list field, any number of lists with any number of periods can be saved for each track. See Step 7 of my original post.
Is there a means to store all the songs/albums in MC that I don't have and I want to acquire?
While using dummy files provides a means for getting the chart data into MC via filenames, their purpose is also to provide the information for the songs that don't actually exist in the collection. MC's database is based on the existing media files, and there's currently no other way to do this. I use the same method to keep a record of all the movies I've seen, but do no own (because I saw them in the theatre or rented them).
Replace the dummies with the files you do have.
...but not before copying the chart data to the media files.

I prefer to leave the dummy files intact, keeping them all separate from real files by tagging them with [Genre]=[Charts]. This results in the entire chart appearing in the Charts pane, while the view shows only the files that exist. There's then no need to filter or have MC play dummy files.
So no 'problem' just another work around for the songs you don't have
Am I clear enough by now?
Yes, thanks. So it's not a solution to a problem, just a alternate method one might prefer. I prefer my method, as I really don't want to be confused by mixing dummy with real files in the view. I'm not losing anything by doing so because the entire chart is shown in the Charts pane.
I struggled with finding data for years until I stumbled upon something called "the Whitburn Project" spreadsheet...
Wow! Thanks! Another 37,000 dummy files for me to import!

I notice that the Billboard site now has archives of their weekly publication going back to 1940. Not exactly user-friendly for importing data to MC though... I presume that's some kind of paid subscription... but if you're searching a specific bit of info, that's as good as it gets.
Check the link I provided in Step 1 of my original post.

I've been importing to MC manually and will probably continue to do so unless an effective external import directly to the individual track (with control) is somehow provided (a plugin?)...
Yes, but it's difficult to imagine how that might work. That's why I like the dummy file technique. It seems like a lot of work, but differences in the track identification data between source and destination have to be reconciled somehow. Once the dummy files have been imported, all the features of MC can be brought to bear on that task.