1) re-worked the whole menu system to use a form instead and is broken up into sections. Hopefully more user friendly.

2) Added the ability to import sheets from an old version of the program.
The file mask for the import should be
*.xl*, not
*.xls. Those using Excel 2007 and 2010 probably want to save this workbook as an
.xlsm—to avoid all of those annoying warnings about compatibility, macros, etc.
And not that it matters, but this is not just so sheets from prior versions can be imported. The data to be imported might come from anywhere—if the user wants to use the export to MPL functionality for other data (e.g., as mentioned, chart data). For the record, I note it will import sheets from other workbooks (I changed the file mask)—as long as the sheet name begins with a period.
3) Exporting as txt from MC is the better option anyways.
Not a big deal, but maybe the delimiter could default to the "|" used by MC. That would make it easier on the first-time user who might not know that's what's used. Or what a delimiter is.

Yes delay is there to keep the hits to the discogs server reasonable. 5 seconds is just an arbitrary number I picked for the minimum delay. I put it in just in case they may ban your ip for too many requests too quickly.
I've been wondering about this from the start. In looking for answers, I find Discogs has an
API. It's existence might imply we're supposed to use it, although I couldn't find any policy statement to that effect. Maybe it's just there for the convenience of those who want results in XML. In any case, it includes a restriction: "API usage is limited to 5,000 requests per 24-hour period, per IP address." Regardless of our interpretation of whether we should be using the API, it would be wise to assume the restriction applies whether the API is used or not.
This also suggests the time delay is probably making no difference. If Discogs is concerned about this sort of use (e.g., not because of the use, but because non-API users are harder to monitor) then one IP's 4,999 queries are going to be equally apparent to them whether 1 or 5 or 10 seconds apart. Anyway, that's my rationalization. I'm going to stick with it until banned.