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Author Topic: Hmm, - just a qu, not a harrass - about the next big build  (Read 695 times)


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Hmm, - just a qu, not a harrass - about the next big build
« on: June 10, 2002, 04:51:41 pm »

Hey guys,

Just wonderin, like obviously your going to be chillin for a while, takin it easy, puttin your feet up etc.
When that's over though what're your plans? You gonna start on any major changes to MJ or just gonna do some minor stuff etc?

I have a couple of idea's that I think would add a LOT to the power of MJ but they're not like little code add on's. They're more of a major change.
The first sign we're likely to have of any new major version will be the beta stage and at that stage your testing it to rule out bugs, not adding big chunks of code so I was just wonderin what your action plan (obviously not in detail, just roughly) is.

One of the main idea's is the Media Library.
Right now it provides us with view's over our whole library.
What I think would give MJ alot of power is allowing us to 'Mount' collections (playlists, criteria, search results, etc) onto the Media Library view so that we could then browse whatever data we wanted.

Like for instance put a restriction on the Library so that it only showed artists with more than 3 songs (could use this to remove artists who are appearing because they have one track in a compilation album somewhere).
Or could mount searches onto it to give back the structure I love to the results of searches which right now are just displayed as a big list.

Obviously for people with smaller collections this wont matter so much but I'm guessing from the fact that your making it, that like me, you forsee most people having LARGE collections in the future and that these collections will just keep growing and growing over the years and getting bigger and bigger and so needing more and more powerful methods of organising them etc.

What'd you think? would it be possible to allow the Media Library to show only specific songs etc?
I think it'd be pretty powerful but I could be the only one. Could be alot of work for a feature that no one else see's much use for.

Another idea is smart id3 fields.
Like for instance the rating field - be able to create smart rules for it so that if a song is played alot over a short period then it's rating would be incremented as it could be presumed that the song was liked alot and would save the user having to even think about changing anything. Or possibly the reverse whereby the rating drops slightly when a song's not played for ages. Like a new song I just get might be a 5 cause it's new and I love it, but then set it so that it's rating drops off with time as I dont play it so that I could set all new songs with ratings of 5 to drop to a minimum rating of say 3 dropping by 1 rating point ever month it's not played or something.

Just stuff like that, rules that could automatically look after my library without me having to actually maintain it after the initial (possibly complex) setup stage.


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RE:Hmm, - just a qu, not a harrass - about the next big build
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2002, 08:17:22 pm »

Hey Nila, I'm going to dodge out on giving any concrete answers about what's next, but we should have more to say later.

And thanks for the ideas.  We'll have to talk more about this stuff once we start rolling with the next version.


Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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RE:Hmm, - just a qu, not a harrass - about the next big build
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2002, 01:26:42 am »

Yeah, fair enough. I figured you might not wanna give that info out for a bit.

Enjoy your break after all the hard work put in v8.
I'm using it daily and loving it daily Next Page
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