It took a bit of playing (and re-reading the above
), but I got Netflix to play in a detached window, and it was great!
As stated, it must be launched from within Theaterview for detached to be an option/work, and the right-click, detach doesn't work. However, ctl+6 does work and playback worked fine.
I see what Matt is saying about the window needing to be so large or it starts cropping. It seemed that the slower I shrunk the screen, the smaller I could get it before cropping, but that's likely not a reason, it was just interesting that if I tried to shrink it fast, it cropped sooner, forcing a larger window to see the whole video.
I wonder if there is any way to determine what the actual smallest window that still plays without cropping, then whenever one shrinks the window, it will force them to stop at this limit. Ideally, one could then grab a second time to shrink again, and a smaller/cropped window would be allowed this second time, but the first 'stop' will let one easily shrink to the smallest non-cropped window.
Also, I had to hit the space bar to pause playback (the enter key didn't seem to work), but the space bar wouldn't always re-start playback. This caused me to have to re-attach the window, go back into theaterview, and restart playback from there.
Not a big deal, just updating with my results.
Thanks for making this work, it made me VERY happy to have this option last night while paying bills.
Keep up the good work!!
Oh, and it seems that it's possible to launch netflix from theaterview AND from the tree in a browser window causing 2 videos to play simultaneously, interesting, but likely not desired