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Author Topic: Changing cover-art-folder deletes my ID3-tags  (Read 1047 times)


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Changing cover-art-folder deletes my ID3-tags
« on: June 23, 2011, 02:12:33 pm »


I tried to change the location of my cover-art-folder, because I wanted to include the artist images into my "mc portable folder".
The old location-path was J:/pictures/cover art.
I choose a new saving location in the settings.
Then I copied the cover-art-folder to the new location.
After a restart of MC it took about 2 minutes before MC showed me the first view. The first view is "favorites". (In this view I changed the rules to only show me songs, I labled as favorite.  For this I use the ID3-Tag named "favorite" by writing my name in it. The view only shows songs which have my name in the field, which are about 16.000 songs.)

Now the view "favorites" only shows 700 not 16.000 songs. For the artists of those 700 songs I didn't have an artist image before. For the other 15.300 songs, which have had an artist image, MC rewrote the ID3-tag and deleted my name in ID3-tag field "favorite". I discovered this through selecting "Zappa, Frank", who hab been in the view before, and checking the ID3-tags. The "favorite"-field was empty.
Then I selected all "Zappa, Frank" songs and tried to fill in my name again. The changes weren't accepted, the error message was: MC couldn't find zappa,frank.jpg!
I changed the location back to J:/pictures/coverart and restarted MC. I tried to fill in the ID3-tag again, but it still didn't work. Now, i could enter my name, MC accepted the changes and I saw 2.200 songs(including zappa). But whenever I changed to another view("all") and back again to "favorites" zappa was gone again. It was back to 700 songs (those without artist images).

Next I restored my library. Now everything was back to normal.
I tried it three times, but I always got the same result.

My questions:
Why can MC delete the ID3-tag-field?
In which way are ID3-tag and artist images connected?
Can I change the the saving location folder afterwards?


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Re: Changing cover-art-folder deletes my ID3-tags
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 02:41:53 pm »

MC won't remove your tags unless you tell it to.

Select one file you think is a problem and do a right click/Library Tools/Update Library from Tags.


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Re: Changing cover-art-folder deletes my ID3-tags
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 10:29:17 am »

i don't think that chancing the location of the cover art folder and changing the view is a command to delete id3-tags.

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