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Author Topic: Show Multiple Artists In Same Album - I'm Totally Confused Please Help  (Read 14639 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I'm truly sorry if this is covered somewhere, but I'm unable to find the answer, and I feel that my eyes are ready to start bleeding.
For example:
I have a folder named The British Are Coming Vol. 1

Within the folder, the songs are listed:
01 The Kinks - You Really Got Me
02 The Searchers - Love Potion Number Nine
03  Donovan - Catch The Wind

When I go to ARTIST VIEW, the individual artists are not listed, just the Album title.
How can I get a listing of the individual artists ?

I would like to have this capability on all my albums as well.

Thanks to all


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Have a look at View Schemes:

Note that this is documentation for an older version of MC, but the concepts generally apply.

Basically, you want to customize the view, and configure it to show the details you desire.  You can right-click the view, and Customize View.  Better might be to Copy the view, select Audio and then Paste and customize the copy to test out how things work.  Try playing with various List Styles.  For Thumbnail views, you can change the Text displayed under the thumbnails.

Here are some things to customize:
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  • Citizen of the Universe
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Also, you can customize the bottom pane's views:
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Thanks, but it's not working for me. In my first post, I showed how my files are named in Windows Explorer.

When I look at the file in MC, it reads:
NAME:  The Kinks/ You Really Got Me 
ARTIST: The British Are Coming
ALBUM: The British Are Coming

What to do?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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There are three separate concepts here:

1) MC's database of audio file tags
2) the tags within each audio file
3) the name of each audio file

MC can drive coordination of these.  But first we need to examine what MC is seeing.

Take a look at the tags of the audio files.  Use the Action window's Tag viewer.  Do you have Artist tags set for the tracks?  Are they individual artists, or an Album Artist (such as "Various Artists")?  In your case, you show that the Artist is "The British Are Coming".

So, you'll want instead to have MC determine the tags from the file names, since the file names seem to contain the artist.  In this case, use MC's Library Tools->Fill Properties from Filename and use [Artist] - [Name] as the Filename.  This will pull everything before the dash to be the Artist and everything after to be the (track) Name.  Select the files you want to change, and run this tool.  There are Filename presets in the pulldown that contain your particuilar (and common) case.
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 93

Thanks so much.
I'll give it a try.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I'm almost there.
I created a New Library View, with the only field being Artist.
Now I have multiple listings of the same artist because the track # seems to be part of the artist's name.
For example if the Kinks appear in three albums, they will be listed three separate times as 01 The Kinks, 07 The Kinks, and 09 The Kinks, each two digit number being the track number on a different album.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to be able to have a list of all the songs where the Kinks are the artist, so that I can p[lay them one after another.
Is this possible?
Again, thanks for your time and patience.


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Again, check to be sure your tags are correct.  It sounds like your Artist tags are including the track number as well. You'll want to separate these out.  Place track number in the [Track #] field, artist in the [Artist] field, album in the [Album] field.

Take a look at this view.
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Well, thanks to your help, I'm about 85% there. It seems that MC will just not access some tags correctly, mostly on the Various Artists Albums.
I'll spend some time manually editing the library, and I'll be fine.
I have no complaints with MC. I realize that software sometimes has a quirk / mind of it's own.
It's really a great program.
Thanks again.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Well, thanks to your help, I'm about 85% there. It seems that MC will just not access some tags correctly, mostly on the Various Artists Albums.
I'll spend some time manually editing the library, and I'll be fine.
I have no complaints with MC. I realize that software sometimes has a quirk / mind of it's own.
It's really a great program.
Thanks again.

Good to hear you're making progress.

I'm not sure you're correct about MC being quirky or having a mind of its own.  There may be some misunderstandings involved.  Perhaps you can show some screenshots of where you perceive problems.

Also, do you know about the differences between Artist, Album Artist and Album Artist (auto) ?
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Show Multiple Artists In Same Album - I'm Totally Confused Please Help
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2011, 04:02:44 pm »

I am not clear about the differences between Artist, Album Artist and Album Artist (auto), but I will do some research.
At the moment, screenshots are a bit of a problem, but I'll send some ASAP.


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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Show Multiple Artists In Same Album - Resolved, I Hope
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2011, 06:10:44 pm »

Thanks to your help and patience, I think that I've sorted it all out. An update will follow, once I'm done.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Show Multiple Artists In Same Album - Resolved, I Hope
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2011, 02:24:05 pm »

I was unable to figure out why the track #'s were displayed as part of the artist's name in some of the albums.
My solution was to delete the two digit number in Windows Explorer, and then Fill Properties From Filename in MC-15.
Any other comments or ideas would be warmly welcomed.


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Re: Show Multiple Artists In Same Album - I'm Totally Confused Please Help
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2011, 02:30:30 pm »

The tracks that had the preceding numbers in - were they downloaded tracks? I ask because none of the ripped albums I have ever done have presented the track name in that way. If so, you just need to do some file management prior to getting the files imported to MC. As an auto-import does it very quickly, it would be better to change the filename at the point of saving OR save them to a directory that doesn't get looked at by MC, edit them and then move them to your watched directory for import.

If they are from ripped albums then I am talking bollox and you can ignore everything I said. :)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Show Multiple Artists In Same Album - I'm Totally Confused Please Help
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2011, 02:35:39 pm »

Stepping back, it is worth considering your work flow.

First, ignore the names of the audio files on disk.

Then, examine an album's tags, as presented by MC.  Correct the albums tags in MC to your liking.  Use the Track #, Artist, Album, and Name fields (aka tags) as intended.

Finally, have MC name the audio files using its Rename tool.  Configure the rename tool's template so that your tracks are named as you desire.  Some use [Track #] - [Name].  Others add additional information.
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