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Author Topic: WebPlay  (Read 4245 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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« on: March 21, 2011, 10:46:50 pm »

Hello there.

Absolutely loving this as I can get at least one song to play.  I cannot for the life of me get PlugPlayer to stream to my iPhone when off of my wifi.

Ive fiddled with settings, rebooted, reinstalled apps, rebooted etc....

I have gotten close with PP... I can browse the library but cannot get playback to start.

WebPlay seems to be connecting more than PP,but I can only get one song to play in a row.  When a song ends I have to hit play and pause and next a few times to "force" it to the next song.

Also, is it possible to "add" as in WebRemote?

Thanks for the help!
HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 09:56:10 am »

What is your setup for DLNA servers (how many, which profile are you using?)
You could try removing all DLNA servers and adding just the generic profile.
What format is the music in your library?

I just verified PP working. Picked MC as the server, the iTouch as the renderer, browsed audio, selected an album, selected the first item in the PP's generated playlist and it went on to play the whole album.
PP has adjustable settings, there is a "ignore stop commands" setting which had no effect set on or off.

In webplay, the stuff you select is presented to the iDevice as a m3u playlist. I did the same as for PP, selected an album and hit play. It played all of the songs in the album.

If you still can't get it to work, perhaps you have a network/wifi issue. For example, I was running openwrt on my WRT54GL until I discovered it wasn't stable with the 2.6 kernel (I was getting dropouts of the wifi). When I backed it off to the 2.4 kernel it worked fine.



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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2011, 12:15:30 pm »

Thanks for the help Bob.

I am only using one DNLA Server.  It is the Generic default one.  I have renamed it but changed no settings.

Format of all music is FLAC, but I have WebPlay set up to "Transcode always" to "Medium MP3"

Regarding WebPlay...I have isolated the problem, i think, to the "Next Track Arrow" button.  If I move the scrubber all the way to end the end it cues up the next track and restarts playback once it has buffered a bit.  If I hit the "Next Track Arrow" it freezes at the end of the track.  Then I must hit the "Play" twice.  After the first it loads the next track but doesn't start playing until I hit "Play" again.

For PlugPlayer I cannot get any playback to start. 

Can you help a bit more on how I set-up Plugplayer?  It works just fine as a controller using MC as both server AND renderer, on my local wifi network.

But I cannot for the life of me set it up correctly to use remotely.  Do I add a "base url" to the Server that works on Wifi?  Or do i "add a device manually".  When I add one manually it simply overwrites/replaces the one that works on wifi. In this scenario i can see the library but cannot get it start playback. I have to delete it to make it work again with wifi.

Should I set-up another DLNA server?  When I did that it appeared the both had the same "port".


Can you help with either or both issues?
HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2011, 12:27:17 pm »

Actually, I cant really get PP to connect at all.

The working Server (that works on Wifi when used for control) is:

This works well for control.

Then I tried http://myspecificIP:52100/DeviceDescription.xml
as the base url for the same server and everything breaks down.

If I "Add a device manually" using that second address I can connect and browse, but I cannot get playback to start.

Is this because I have i that server set to "never transcode"?
Should I create another Server?

Thanks again!

HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2011, 03:02:34 pm »

Actually, I cant really get PP to connect at all.

The working Server (that works on Wifi when used for control) is:

This works well for control.

Then I tried http://myspecificIP:52100/DeviceDescription.xml
as the base url for the same server and everything breaks down.

If I "Add a device manually" using that second address I can connect and browse, but I cannot get playback to start.

Is this because I have i that server set to "never transcode"?
Should I create another Server?

Thanks again!
Oh, you are using PP from an outside network.
You must transcode for PP to play on the iDevice, it will not play Flac.

I think the base URL override is needed.

Also for web remote and DLNA you need to port forward from your router.


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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2011, 04:43:00 pm »

Thanks Bob.

I am port forwarded correctly.  I will set to transcode.

Should I set up a different server so I can have one that transcodes and one that does (for local playback)?

Thanks again!
HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2011, 05:49:05 pm »

OK, same as before.

I set up a new Generic DNLA named "Plugplayer"
I set to "Always Transcode" to "Low Bandwidth MP3"

I can connect via 3G, browse the library and select a track.  PP brings up the Now Playing screen then nothing.  I can skip through the tracks but it wont start playback.  If I hit pause the time states "0:-01"  when i hit play it states "0:00"  so something is changing on the server end.

Thanks for the continuing help.
HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 09:22:56 am »

OK, same as before.

I set up a new Generic DNLA named "Plugplayer"
I set to "Always Transcode" to "Low Bandwidth MP3"

I can connect via 3G, browse the library and select a track.  PP brings up the Now Playing screen then nothing.  I can skip through the tracks but it wont start playback.  If I hit pause the time states "0:-01"  when i hit play it states "0:00"  so something is changing on the server end.

Thanks for the continuing help.

I setup a test for this with PP and it works fine for me. In PP, where I manually setup the server I put:
For Device URL
and for Base URL is the OUTSIDE address of my home server (except that I changed the name to to protect the innocent, me!)

When I wireshark the packets coming from the server inside of my network, the URL's sent back to PP have the INSIDE address in them (which is useless when you are outside) however that is what the Base URL setting is for, it overrides the BASE of the URL sent back to PP. This is using a basic generic DLNA setup.

I'm wondering if your being blocked from receiving mp3's over your 3g network? That might explain the webplay problem as well since that is much simpler and should just work. Have you tried it wireless from outside?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2011, 02:27:47 pm »



I had "devicedescription" in the base URL.

Everything is working perfectly.

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!
HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 05:05:06 pm »



I had "devicedescription" in the base URL.

Everything is working perfectly.

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!




  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: WebPlay
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2011, 06:11:48 pm »

Thanks again Bob.  J River has no peers!  Especially considering support.

I guess I should mention that the problem remains with WebPlay.

The only way to advance the track is for it to happen naturally when the track ends, or by advancing the "scrubber" to the end of the track.

Specifically.  I cannot select "Next".  If I do I must push: Next, Play, Play.  From then on it wont advance automatically after that in the two ways above (until I reconnect).

Thanks Bob!!!

I wouldn't mind figuring this out if possible.  But I wont lose sleep over it if not.  As long as PlugPlayer is working I will use it.  I need a more advanced browsing method than WebPlay allows for.


HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva
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