There is a good guide in the Wiki originally created by Glynor years ago but I thought it may be useful to have a thread on what people are using and why.
My Objective: Like many I started with codec packs but I'm no fan of this approach as you really don't understand what is happening or why and you can end up with multiple versions of the same filter all installed in different directories etc. I've been trying to simplify my Filters down to just the ones I want and need to produce the best quality Audio and Video outputfor my setup.
I am most interested in getting the best quality I can from original HD Source Material (eg Blu-ray), Camcoder footage (SD and HD), then DTV and DVD. Last and least for me is worrying about trying to squeeze the "best" from highly compressed material downloaded for the Net. Understanding this bit is very important as it guides which Filters are better for what you want to do. There is no "one" best filter for each users needs.
My Setup: My setup is:
- HTPC: Q6600, Win7 32-Bit Ultimate, HD 5670 outputting Video (1080p) and Audio (LPCM 5.1) over HDMI
- Yami V2700 as the receiver feeding a 60" Pio Plasma (ISF Calibrated), and Axiom Audio 5.1 speaker setup (only Calibrated by me

My Filters: I'll add a post on each filter but here is my current preferences:
- Source/Splitter: LAVSplitter
- Audio Decoder: LAVAudio (+ Arcsoft HD Audio for DTS-MA)
- Video Decoder: FFDSHOW (+ MS DMO decoder for VC-1)
- Audio Renderer: Reclock (for now - waiting to use JR's Audio Renderer)
- Video Renderer: madVR