Okay, I'm testing on my laptop again, the HTPC is in use now. i installed Windows7 x64 on this machine fresh about 6 weeks ago (I like SSD

) I've never installed a codec pack, and Insurgent found 98 filters. I'm using ffdshow 3771 and MC 16.72
Do they play if you rename them to .mp4?
Yes, but then the next one played fine and I had not changed the extension, several more then played fine. The laptop couldn't play them last time, but I unregistered/removed the LAV splitter and audio, then installed the new version, which says...
"The default mode changed. I changed the filter registration, so that by default, it always tries to go through the "File Source (Async)"
"Another bonus side effect of this change is that LAV Splitter can now demux a whole lot of other formats without registry hacking. MPC-HC, for example, always trys to load the File Source (Async), for any file, and will always try to connect it to LAV Splitter - that means i can ask ffmpeg to probe and try to demux the file, and if its supported, it'll just start playing. Formats do not need to be registered manually anymore. I don't know which other players always insert the File Source as a backup filter, but heck, its a useful feature in MPC-HC. "
maybe that "fixed" it. MC may/can/does benefit from this change??
for 3gp files
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'DirectSound: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
Filter 'madVR'
Filter 'ffdshow Audio Decoder'
Filter 'Mpeg4s Decoder DMO'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Filter 'LAV Splitter'
Filter 'V:\Canon\2010-09-25 EVO\filename.3gp'
CLSID: {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}
Host: c:\windows\syswow64\quartz.dll
Output Pin 'Output'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'LAV Splitter'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Stream Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {08E22ADA-B715-45ED-9D20-7B87750301D4}, Format type TIME_FORMAT_NONE
AVI files are playing here now also. however, it's using
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'Video Renderer'
Filter 'DirectSound: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Filter 'Color Space Converter'
Filter 'MJPEG Decompressor'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Filter 'LAV Splitter'
CLSID: {171252A0-8820-4AFE-9DF8-5C92B2D66B04}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\lav filters\x86\lavsplitter.ax
Input Pin 'Input'
Connected to pin 'Output' of filter 'V:\Canon\bufalo3.avi'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Stream Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi, Format type TIME_FORMAT_NONE
Output Pin 'Video'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_MJPG, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo
Output Pin 'Audio'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Which seems like an odd assortment, but it is working, so fine with me.
the first flv file I tried to play here resulted in MC automatically downloading and installing something for about 5 seconds, then the video started playing. Again, why can't this be done for mkv files??
Anyway, it's not using LAV splitter at all, so I'm not sure how MC is choosing what to use??
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'DirectSound: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
Filter 'madVR'
Filter 'Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder'
Filter 'FFDShow Video Decoder'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Filter 'FLV Source'
CLSID: {C9ECE7B3-1D8E-41F5-9F24-B255DF16C087}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\j river\media center 16\plugins\flvsplitter.ax
Output Pin 'Video'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31435641-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Output Pin 'Audio'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {000000FF-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
my only MOV file (canon SD1400) plays video decent enough, but the audio is all scratchy and crappy. i don't think this is how it recorded, but I suppose it is possible, I haven't tried playing it with anything else yet
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'DirectSound: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
Filter 'madVR'
Filter 'LAV Audio Decoder'
Filter 'Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Filter 'MP4 Source'
CLSID: {3CCC052E-BDEE-408A-BEA7-90914EF2964B}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\j river\media center 16\plugins\mp4splitter.ax
Output Pin 'Output 1'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31435641-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
Output Pin 'Output 2'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {74776F73-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
mp4 files play fine
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'DirectSound: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
Filter 'Enhanced Video Renderer'
Filter 'Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder'
Filter 'FFDShow Video Decoder'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Filter 'MP4 Source'
CLSID: {3CCC052E-BDEE-408A-BEA7-90914EF2964B}
Host: c:\program files (x86)\j river\media center 16\plugins\mp4splitter.ax
Output Pin '(C) 2007 Google Inc. v08.13.2007.'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Audio'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {000000FF-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Output Pin '(C) 2007 Google Inc. v08.13.2007.'
Connected to pin 'Input' of filter 'JRiver Media Proxy Video'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {31637661-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO
MPEG settings were already set prior to testing (so not automatic), it had been set to use LAV splitter source, and J River Video decoder, which worked, but it was actually using the microsoft video decoder. I tried changing it to use the new LAV Splitter, but it was not an option. I selected File Source (Async.) and that resulted in it using the new LAV splitter, which also worked fine. the J River video decoder is still resulting in it using the Microsoft DTV-DVD video Decoder, which works fine. selecting ffdshow video decoder instead resulted in the same MS filter being used. MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG in AVI & Other MPEG2 are all disabled in ffdshow. i didn't try enabling any of them, it works as it is.
MPG files are the same as above, but the TV show I have recorded OTA is very interlaced, and not really watchable. I enabled MPEG2 decoding in ffdshow and confirmed it was active, then turned on deinterlacing, and it seems to be gone, but the video is pretty bad with jaggies, but is also a SD program recorded OTA on an "extra" channel, so it's pretty poor quality to begin with, but it's pretty unwatchable.
TS file crashed MC and closed it

WMV files played fine
Filter Graph Info:
Filter 'DirectSound: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
Filter 'madVR'
Filter 'WMVideo Decoder DMO'
Filter 'WMAudio Decoder DMO'
Filter 'ASF Reader'
CLSID: {187463A0-5BB7-11D3-ACBE-0080C75E246E}
Host: c:\windows\syswow64\qasf.dll
Output Pin 'Raw Audio 0'
Connected to pin 'in0' of filter 'WMAudio Decoder DMO'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Audio Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {00000161-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
Output Pin 'Raw Video 1'
Connected to pin 'in0' of filter 'WMVideo Decoder DMO'
Major type MEDIATYPE_Video Sub type Unknown GUID Name: {33564D57-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Format type FORMAT_VideoInfo2
the same story as mpeg above, but the splitter had been set for automatic, which choose LAV splitter source, but changing to async made it use the new LAV splitter
I will also add that it responded to seeking (using the right arrow key) instantly, literally, it instantly jumped ahead, not even a hesitation. this is amazing. I stopped using Media Center for TV because the seeking took almost as long as just letting it play; tens of seconds at times to skip forward; it was absurd. this is instant; fantastic.
MKV files: seem to mostly work, but they're all HD, and streaming to the laptop is problematic anyway, so nothing definite can be said other than sound worked, and video played, but was very choppy on 3 or 4 samples. with all the video and audio possibilities, I'll try to test this more on the HTPC later.
I don't know how or why MC chooses the filters it chooses, but it mostly works without even installing CCCP.
MKV, not so much.
I know there may be better options for some of the formats, but working it a big first step.
TS files crashed MC, MOV file had audio issue, but I don't have QT installed, so working at all is nice, and MKV don't yet "just work", but I hope I can get it mostly working on the HTPC after removing all the crap on there, even if I have to force that machine to use the setting above that automatic chose on this machine.
okay, end of a long post - I hope someone finds this information useful, it took a bit to compile