I have same problem i the beginning, I tryed to run shared DB but thumbnails must be reubild or is to slow so I used my own method.
I changed the location of thumbnails and db so it saved in "C:\J River\Media Center 16" with an regedit file.
On my computer that I import new media, I backup with xcopy file "Copy MC16 Library to [M].bat" (db+thumbnails) to my server (or a USB disc)
on alla others computers I run xcopy file "Copy MC16 Library to [C].bat" as copy db to local C: (mutch faster to run from C: ) this takes 10s and my db is 500Mb (db has over 100 000 files , 8500 albums)
This is the files:
REM File for Backup to USB disc or server , save it to a text file and rename it to "Copy MC16 Library to [M].bat"
REM in this file I store localy on "C:\J River\Media Center 16" and on server "M:\J River\Media Center 16"
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "xcopy "C:\J River\Media Center 16\Library" "M:\J River\Media Center 16\Library\" /s /e /y & xcopy "C:\J River\Media Center 16\Thumbnails" "M:\J River\Media Center 16\Thumbnails\" /s /e /y"
del m:\MC16_backup_*.log
echo MC16 Databas-Backup utförd %date% %time% > m:\MC16_backup_%date%.log
REM File for Restore from USB disc or server , save it to a text file and rename it to "Copy MC16 Library to [C].bat"
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "xcopy "M:\J River\Media Center 16\Library" "C:\J River\Media Center 16\Library\" /s /e /y & xcopy "M:\J River\Media Center 16\Thumbnails" "C:\J River\Media Center 16\Thumbnails\" /s /e /y"
AND before you run this "Copy MC16 Library to [M].bat" you must manually copy your db & thumbnails files to new path "C:\J River\Media Center 16\"
original store path is C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\
1. Close MC
2. Create "C:\J River\Media Center 16\"
3. Copy "C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\Library" folder to "C:\J River\Media Center 16\Library"
4. Copy "C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\Thumbnails" folder to "C:\J River\Media Center 16\Thumbnails"
Then you must run Regedit file to change the db store path (I run this changed path for all users whois logged in to my computer want to run from same db)
Create an textfile and paste text bellow into file and name it to "MC16 Library and Thumnails location on C.reg"
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JRiver\Media Center 16\Properties]
"Library Directory"="C:\\J River\\Media Center 16\\Library\\"
"Library Name"="Default"
"Thumbnails - Version"=dword:00000003
"Thumbnails - Base Path"="C:\\J River\\Media Center 16\\Thumbnails\\"
"Library"="<XMLPH version=\"1,0\"><Item Name=\"Type\">1</Item><Item Name=\"Origin\">2</Item><Item Name=\"LibraryPath\">C:\\J River\\Media Center 16\\Library\\</Item><Item Name=\"LibraryServerURL\"/><Item Name=\"Hidden\">0</Item><Item Name=\"NamedByUser\">0</Item><Item Name=\"DisplayName\">JOA</Item><Item Name=\"LibraryServerAccessKey\"/><Item Name=\"DLNADeviceID\"/></XMLPH>"
"1"="<XMLPH version=\"1,0\"><Item Name=\"Type\">1</Item><Item Name=\"Origin\">2</Item><Item Name=\"LibraryPath\">C:\\J River\\Media Center 16\\Library\\</Item><Item Name=\"LibraryServerURL\"/><Item Name=\"Hidden\">0</Item><Item Name=\"NamedByUser\">0</Item><Item Name=\"DisplayName\">JOA</Item><Item Name=\"LibraryServerAccessKey\"/><Item Name=\"DLNADeviceID\"/></XMLPH>"
5. Run file , klick OK to import into your register
6. Start MC and test , all changed here is stored in db that you can restore to another computer.
7. If runs OK , run "Copy MC16 Library to [M].bat" (you must in this file change path if you want another path).
8. Now you can run "Copy MC16 Library to [C].bat" on another computer but you must do the db&thumbnails thing firts. 1 to 5
you dont need to run "Copy MC16 Library to [C].bat" on your import MC that computer has the "master" db
The files can be downloded here:
http://panna.homeip.net/download/JrMediaCenterdelete the last extenstion .txt on the files you downloaded.
Hope this is a help to you, If you have further questions dont hesitate to mail or write here.