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Author Topic: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading  (Read 2703 times)


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Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« on: May 06, 2011, 01:47:06 am »

Hi all,

I can now connect to my DLNA libraries using MBC 16.0.81, but the background loading seems to miss most of the files of somes DLNA servers.
* Library 1 :
  -> It is located on the same PC where MC is installed.
  -> Server is Twonky Media v 6.0.32
  -> Twonky logs displays 23982 audio files, 30 images and 5 videos.
  -> MC 16.0.81displays 23974 audio files, 30 images and 5 videos.
  -> Result : nearly 100% OK.

* Library 2 :
  -> It is located on a QNAP NAS, running Twonky server v5.1.6, connected to the PC with a gigabit ethernet link.
  -> Twonky logs displays 23743 audio files, 4701 images and 34 videos
  -> MC 16.0.81 displays 180 audio files, 37 images and 34 videos.
  -> most of audio files and images are not recovered.

Anyone with the same issue ?

Is it linked to the version of twonky I use on the NAS ?

Any workaround ?

Thanks for your help.


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2011, 10:13:47 am »

That's pretty weird.
We ask for the files in groups of 1000  and ask for audio, images and video separately.
Is there perhaps a speed difference in the 2 setups? Maybe the second one is timing out on the replies. Since we ask for all of the information on the items that the server wants to supply, it could be that stresses out the server somehow.


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2011, 12:54:55 pm »

yes, it's true that the NAS is around 2-3 times slower than the PC when serving audio files.

but applications like plug player manage that speed difference : it takes around 10 secondes to load the 1850 albums list with my iphone and plugplayer.

are there any parameters in MC for this purpose ?


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2011, 03:20:32 pm »

Plugplayer doesn't load the remote library, it browses it.
Because of the way MC is structured we ask for the whole remote library (in chunks) and load it in the background. Once the library is loaded, it doesn't need to be loaded again, changes are merged in the background.
Presently the timeout isn't adjustable and is 1 minute / 1000 requested files.
I'll change the logic and get you a build to test. Check your PM later today.



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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2011, 02:11:23 am »

thanks for the help.
It if can help, here are some logs when I connect to the local library (works well).

0006396: 2800: Import: Process: Starting import (JRiver Media Center 16.0.81)
0006396: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::UpdateWatchFolders: Start
0006396: 2800: Import: GetNewFiles: Start
0006396: 2800: Import: GetNewFiles: Finish (0 ms)
0006396: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::UpdateWatchFolders: Starting watch thread
0006396: 2800: Import: GetMissingAndUpdateFiles: Start
0006396: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::UpdateWatchFolders: Finish (0 ms)
0006396: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::StartBackgroundProcessing: Finish (0 ms)
0006396: 2800: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_55076f6e-6b79-4d65-642d-0018f331e9da\Cache\File List Sort\Index.dat
0006396: 2800: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_55076f6e-6b79-4d65-642d-0018f331e9da\Cache\File List Sort\Cache (7).dat
0006396: 2800: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Library Server URL; Files: 23984; Pointer bytes: 0; Data bytes: 48; Elapsed ms: 0,216
0006411: 5916: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (93 ms)
0006411: 6084: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 364 bytes
0006411: 2800: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Filename; Files: 23984; Pointer bytes: 96084; Data bytes: 1887896; Elapsed ms: 7,242


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2011, 02:15:11 am »

and the same with the DLNA library located on NAS with only 229 audio files found, on this sample

each time I refresh (F5) the Library, the number of audio files recovered slighty changes but remain between 200 and 300.

0005054: 3164: Import: Process: Starting import (JRiver Media Center 16.0.81)
0005054: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::ImportAutoImport: Finish (0 ms)
0005054: 3164: Import: GetNewFiles: Start
0005054: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::UpdateWatchFolders: Start
0005054: 3164: Import: GetNewFiles: Finish (0 ms)
0005054: 3164: Import: GetMissingAndUpdateFiles: Start
0005054: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::UpdateWatchFolders: Starting watch thread
0005054: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::UpdateWatchFolders: Finish (0 ms)
0005054: 3164: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_7076436f-6e65-1063-8074-00089bac89aa\Cache\File List Sort\Index.dat
0005054: 3492: Import: CSynchronizeDatabase::StartBackgroundProcessing: Finish (0 ms)
0005054: 3164: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Filename; Files: 1024; Pointer bytes: 3704; Data bytes: 24704; Elapsed ms: 0,445
0005054: 3164: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Track #; Files: 1024; Pointer bytes: 1240; Data bytes: 4168; Elapsed ms: 0,248
0005054: 3164: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Album; Files: 1024; Pointer bytes: 3704; Data bytes: 4168; Elapsed ms: 0,238
0005054: 3164: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Name; Files: 1024; Pointer bytes: 3704; Data bytes: 8288; Elapsed ms: 0,250
0005054: 3164: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Genre; Files: 1024; Pointer bytes: 3704; Data bytes: 4168; Elapsed ms: 0,305
0005054: 3164: Database: CMediaInfoArraySort::Sort: Files: 229; Elapsed ms: 6,421
0005070: 3164: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Library Server URL; Files: 1024; Pointer bytes: 0; Data bytes: 48; Elapsed ms: 0,278
0005070: 2596: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 364 bytes
0005070: 3164: Import: GetMissingAndUpdateFiles: Finish (16 ms)
0005070: 3164: Import: FixBrokenLinks: Start
0005070: 3164: Import: FixBrokenLinks: Finish (0 ms)


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2011, 03:50:06 pm »

PM'd you with a test build...


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2011, 04:05:35 pm »

thanks for the build. No changes as far as I've seen.

here is an extract of the log when loading the local DLNA library :

0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Start
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Empty
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Loading library file
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_55076f6e-6b79-4d65-642d-0018f331e9da\mediafiles.jmd
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Checking versions
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Loading fields
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Loading files
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Success
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Upgrading (if necessary)
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaDatabase::Load: Finish (0 ms)
0007269: 5284: Database: MCDB::GetBSDB: Creating object
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_55076f6e-6b79-4d65-642d-0018f331e9da\browser.jmd
0007269: 5284: Database: MCDB::GetVSDB: Creating object
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_55076f6e-6b79-4d65-642d-0018f331e9da\view state (index).jmd
0007269: 5284: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_55076f6e-6b79-4d65-642d-0018f331e9da\view state temporary (index).jmd
0007269: 5284: Database: MCDB::Load: Success -- updating after load
0007269: 5284: Database: MCDB::Save: Start
0007269: 5284: Database: MCDB::Save: Saving (bCleanDB: 0, bForce: 0)
0007269: 5284: Database: MCDB::Save: Finish (0 ms)
0007269: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Load: Start
0007269: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Unload: Start
0007269: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Unload: Finish (0 ms)
0007285: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Load: Finish (16 ms)
0007285: 5284: Database: MCDB::Load: Finish (78 ms)
0007285: 4856: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 318 bytes
0007285: 5460: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 207 bytes
0007285: 5460: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 205 bytes
0007285: 5460: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 217 bytes
0007285: 5460: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 207 bytes
0007285: 5460: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 205 bytes
0007285: 5284: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Media Type; Files: 23984; Pointer bytes: 25176; Data bytes: 4168; Elapsed ms: 1,644


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2011, 04:24:37 pm »

but this the NAS, still 251 files recovered among which 180 are audio files

in the log, I was not able to recover the number of files displayed, but identified that it seems to load a single piece of 1024 files.

and here is an extract of the logs :

0005616: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Load: Start
0005616: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Unload: Start
0005616: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Unload: Finish (0 ms)
0005616: 5284: Sharing Plugins: CDLNACore::Load: Finish (0 ms)
0005616: 5284: Database: MCDB::Load: Finish (62 ms)
0005616: 5284: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Media Type; Files: 1024; Pointer bytes: 3704; Data bytes: 4168; Elapsed ms: 0,274
0005616: 5264: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 207 bytes
0005632: 5284: Database: MCDB::GetCPLDB: Creating object (0)
0005632: 5284: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 16\DLNA Library\uuid_7076436f-6e65-1063-8074-00089bac89aa\curplaylist.jmd
0005632: 5264: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 205 bytes
0005632: 5264: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 217 bytes
0005632: 5264: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 207 bytes
0005632: 5284: General: CMainUIWnd::SetMCView: Start
0005632: 5284: General: CMainUIWnd::SetMCView: View info name: NASTM [GIGI]
0005632: 5284: General: CMainUIWnd::SetMCView: Hiding old view
0005632: 5284: General: CMainUIWnd::SetMCView: Creating new view
0005632: 5264: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 205 bytes
0005632: 5284: General: CMCViewContainerWnd::Create: Start
0005632: 5284: General: CMCViewContainerWnd::Create: Creating window
0005632: 5284: General: CMCViewContainerWnd::Create: Initializing
0005632: 5264: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 217 bytes


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2011, 02:26:38 pm »

The 1024 isn't really significant. It's not referring to the number of files being loaded from the NAS. It seems to me that the NAS isn't working properly with the search requests. I assume you checked for a firmware update??


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Re: Issue with DLNA libraries background loading
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2011, 04:57:17 pm »

I'm afraid you're right : Twonky Server 5.1.6 has a bad reputation ....
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