MJ8 ist certainly a great program and I love it, but this is certainly its greatest weakness, that it does not install the way, users expect a Windows program to install.
And it might upset quite a number of new users, especially on XP, where you can have logons for all your family members. To reinstall for every user account is certainly not the state-of-the-art in the Windows world. Every imaginable freeware tool performs better than MJ on this. As it has already been mentioned in a few threads before, it is not a big issue to adhere to this standard. It is not a secret how to do it, Microsoft describes the process in MSDN to a great length.
I feel, this is one great reason to go on working on a 8.1 release of MJ.
The second reason would be to support the underlying concept of shared and user specific music directories in XP, so that a family can have a shared music folder for everybody and each user account its own music files in their individual music folders.
This is a wish that has been mentioned many times and I simply cannot understand why there is such reluctance to implement it.