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Author Topic: I'm about to give up on Media center [MAYBE SOLVED]  (Read 1768 times)


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I'm about to give up on Media center [MAYBE SOLVED]
« on: May 24, 2011, 03:33:42 am »

First it couldn't use ASIO, then the master volume quit working with MC running.
Next was the inability to play music at all since it couldn't "find" the media files.
Now it doesn't even show the audio files in the library.

This looks to be one piece of screwed up software determined to self destruct?


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Re: I'm about to give up on Media center
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 05:51:37 am »

Not to insult you, but I believe you're definitely did something wrong.
I would recommend that you take a step back or start from the beginning.  I've gone from Meedio (which was great before Yahoo), to MS Media Center, to Mediaportal, and now J River Media Center.  I have to say this is one of the most solid HTPC front ends I've used to date.  Yes, you do need to make the first configurations correctly, but once you're done... it just works.

ASIO - are you using ASIO4All?

Master Volume - was this while you were trying to configure ASIO or not?

Playing music - could you even play it from standard view?

Library - what do you have set under option/library & folders?


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Re: I'm about to give up on Media center
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 06:14:25 am »

No worries I've been around long enough not to get insulted.
Everyone screws up eventually.

1) No, I tried to go for ASIO, not ASIO4All since I read it's supposed to be better. No errors on my part here I believe. However MC16 claims No ASIO devises so there might be either the software not finding the hardware or the hardware not supporting ASIO? I'm not skilled enough to tell which?

2) Here I probably am responsible and it's mostly my ignorance showing it's ugly head. WASAPI doesn't allow for use of the Windoes master volume control. I would guess it's because it routes the audio straight to the sound card?

3) After doing some digging it looks like a optimising software running in the background messed it up? It seems to rewrite some internal parameters making the library system go bad? I guess that's me doing a booboo again?

4) I have no idea why this occured? The library listed having the correct number of files indexed but nothing was showing? It was like MC16 didn't recognize them as audio files? After a complete reinstall everythjing is back to normal.

I still can't do ASIO and I can imagine the horror íf the file system crashes after appying a 2TB music disc. Since I'm just evaluating it at the moment I use only a fraction of the available music.
Oh, there is another thing... The audio is totally f**ked up if I try to view a movie in Media Center. No aparent reason why this is? It workes fine with other software?

I don't even know if I need ASIO? Some people claim WASAPI is better anyway?
Is WASAPI supported in Media Jukebox?


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Re: I'm about to give up on Media center
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 06:16:38 am »

Make sure your copy of MC is one from our site.  Download and install again if you're not sure.

Your only recent post is one about ASIO.  Try using Direct Sound or WAVE out until you've got other problems solved.  Post each problem in a separate thread with a descriptive title if possible.


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Re: I'm about to give up on Media center
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 01:41:35 pm »

The last few posts were split to ASIO or WASAPI.

I'll close this now.
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