7. Changed: Export Playlist > Text File (delimited) uses UTF-16 instead of ANSI for better international character support.
OK, I'm in a lot of pain now
This has broken every single one of my PERL scripts for processing exported playlists. I cannot even look at the files in linux because it claims they are binary files due to the UTF-16 encoding
Frantically trawling Google for help on supporting UTF-16 in Perl... Anybody help!?!
OK, so I've updated my scripts to support UTF-16LE, but a big issue here is that my environment doesn't natively support UTF-16LE so, as above, all export files are now binary, and tools like sed/grep etc cannot process the file unless I first convert back to UTF-8 or ANSI which defeats the object.
I'm not convinced UTF-16 is the best format to use, but I don't have an alternative that supports all characters so I guess I'll defer to your decision here.
But even so, OUCH - the change broke everything at my end. I'm guessing I won't be the only one to suffer this??