First - really? We have to use expressions for this (can't be set at the details level)?
Second - If we have to use expressions, surprised there is no expression builder here.
Now I have that off my chest, to the issue:
Having trouble with this expression:
If(isequal([Media Type],Audio,1),[Track #] [Name] - [Artist],If(isequal([Media Sub Type],TV Show,1),[Episode] [Name] [Date],[Name] ([Year])))
For 'Audio' is it showing "[Track #] [Name] - [Artist])" note the extra ')' on the end.
For 'TV Show' it is showing "[Episode] [Name] [Date])" again with an extra ')'
For everything else it is showing correctly "[Name] ([Year])"
If I take the last ')' out, then 'Audio' and 'TV Show' display properly but the default is missing the closing ')', it shows "[Name] ([Year]"
Spaced out for better readability the expression is currently:
If(isequal([Media Type],Audio,1),[Track #] [Name] - [Artist],
If(isequal([Media Sub Type],TV Show,1),[Episode] [Name] [Date],
[Name] ([Year])