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Author Topic: plugin checkbox cannot be ticked without switching plugin screen anymore?  (Read 2904 times)


  • World Citizen
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We're supposed to be able to click on the checkbox of each plugin in the DSP studio without automatically switching to that plugin, but now it seems that feature has disappeared? How do I get it back?


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Changed by popular demand.  Many users didn't realize they could click the text to switch views.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • World Citizen
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Changed by popular demand.  Many users didn't realize they could click the text to switch views.

That really sucks. I have been asking for this feature for a long time and finally got it, and now it's taken away because some user can't figure out something that simple? I'm sorry, but that doesn't make any sense to me to force a clumsy and inflexible way. Why not make it more obvious they text can be clicked on? For example, put a slightly beveled graphics under the texts so they look more like buttons that could be clicked on. Also on top of the plugins list, make two headers like so:

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Changed by popular demand.  Many users didn't realize they could click the text to switch views.

It wasn't "popular" demand. It was "persistent misguided" demand.

The change in 15.0.21 isn't worth the added confusion in my opinion.

I suppose not, but this change was perfectly sensible. And it did not violate any Windows conventions. It should be obvious to any Windows user the list of DSP's is a selection box. In any context, a first-time user should know they can select the item to see what it is. Check boxes are check boxes—separate objects. The fact they're combined with the list items in no way implies otherwise.

The thought was that you might want to watch 'Analyzer' or a similar DSP while turning effects on and off to see what they're doing.

If I were inclined to do such things, I'd be rather upset this thoughtful touch is being undone due to misplaced confusion.

Told ya! ;)


  • World Citizen
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Okay, so a perfectly sensible and highly useful feature has been taken away because someone couldn't figure out basic software operation that's universal and logical? How is this a good thing?

In the future, I think the developer should post polls for all users in the forum to vote on before making such decisions. And I think we should get this feature back. If my GUI mockup above helps, then use it. Hell, I'll do the necessary graphical work for free if you need me to. To lose this feature makes the Analyzer useless because we can't see the immediate changes when we turn on and off other plugins.

  • Citizen of the Universe
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It must be fun being Matt. ;)

He had it right the first time, and probably did it in less time than it took to read users complaining about the results. Being a relatively unimportant matter, I suspect he figured it would be easier to make the requested change than explain the virtues of the original design. Sort of a perverse application of "the customer is always right."

Polls, like referendums in an open democracy (which this isn't), are not always the best way to do things. Sometimes  those in charge should just apply their own judgment and get the job done. If it matters (and even if it doesn't), users can discuss the merits of what was done and possible alternatives. If sound analysis (and, if necessary, debate) lead to ideas for potential improvements, those may be considered when time permits. I know many would not agree, and feel the developers should be responsive to whatever customers think they want. While I appreciate being listened to as much as anyone, I also understand progress is often only made by ignoring us.

This is a case where we should have been ignored! ;D


  • World Citizen
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I think developers should ignore requests that are due to user's lack of intelligence and common sense. If a design decision is sound and totally logical and practical, then it shouldn't be be changed. Instead, the developer should simply educate the users on why it's logical and practical, or point the users to the appropriate user's manual page or wiki page that explains the feature.

Please Matt, revert back to the logical and sensible way that plugins are selected and activated in the DSP studio. Keep in mind that the kind of users who spend a lot of time in the DSP studio are the advanced users who use it all the time, and it's crucial to us that we can keep a plugin on screen while activating/deactivating others and observe the effects in tools such as the Analyzer.


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This wasn't my favorite change either.  But we have to listen when users get confused by things.

As for the issue, I want to move DSP Studio into the main program under each zone in Playing Now.  Each DSP would have a "Detach" button so you could float it.  This would provide a way to view Analyzer while enabling / disabling or even adjusting other DSPs.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • World Citizen
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This wasn't my favorite change either.  But we have to listen when users get confused by things.

As for the issue, I want to move DSP Studio into the main program under each zone in Playing Now.  Each DSP would have a "Detach" button so you could float it.  This would provide a way to view Analyzer while enabling / disabling or even adjusting other DSPs.

You must draw the line somewhere though, right? I mean, what if tomorrow a bunch of users asked for a change that just goes against everything you believe in as a programmer and an passionate fan of music and media in general? When do you stand your ground and when do you give in?

Floating the plugins separately sounds like an awesome feature. I've asked for that since a couple of versions ago but it was considered such an esoteric thing that it considered too low on the priority list. Looks like the winds of change has arrived finally? Any idea of the ETA on it being implemented? And I suppose the DSP studio will stay as is until that new feature arrives?

  • Citizen of the Universe
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As for the issue, I want to move DSP Studio into the main program under each zone in Playing Now.  Each DSP would have a "Detach" button so you could float it.  This would provide a way to view Analyzer while enabling / disabling or even adjusting other DSPs.

True, but this remains a separate issue. Those who may want this behaviour just to make a quick change may still rightly ask, "Why do I have to detach Analyzer to do this? It just adds several unnecessary steps to a task that should be simple and quick."

It would be better to address the issue head-on. If there are users that don't understand the simple Windows convention of a checkbox, provide a tooltip that explains it. But I'm no authority on Windows conventions, so maybe I'm the one who needs a tooltip. It's just that I can't recall ever experiencing focus changing to the object associated with a checkbox when a checkbox is checked or unchecked. :-\


  • World Citizen
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I like's suggestion of informing and educating the users instead giving in to the lowest common denominator.

In all the best software I have used, I have never seen the developers make something less intuitive and practical for the sake of users who are slower on the uptake. They always created the most practical and intuitive features and then educated the users on how to use them.



  • World Citizen
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BTW, in exactly what version was this feature changed? I don't keep older install files so can you point me to the version just before the change so I can revert back to that version? Thanks.

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Thanks to The Complete MC16 Change Log...

16.0.74 (4/21/2011)
3. Changed: Checking a check box in DSP Studio will also select that DSP.

Media Center 16.0.72 -- Available Here


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In a coming build:
Changed: In DSP Studio, clicking a checkbox will not switch what plugin is selected if the control keyboard button is pressed while clicking.

I don't expect you guys to love it, but I think it's a reasonable compromise.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

  • Citizen of the Universe
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I don't expect you guys to love it, but I think it's a reasonable compromise.

It's gotta hurt a lot less than foregoing all the improvements that have been made in the last three months. ;D
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