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Author Topic: Any HowTo for the web server ??  (Read 2587 times)


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Any HowTo for the web server ??
« on: May 25, 2002, 01:08:37 pm »

I am looking at front end control of MJ....

I have done a new Girder GML so can pass commands and if needed to can TCP/IP these with Girders plug in for remote network control (both machines will need girder the input machine that I envisage being a webpad on wireless network) of a media computer but I believe this is what your 'Web Remote' is for...

The front end is Flash so I am trying to work out how the web control applet works... is there a help or readme...

Can it play an album ??  Is there any way a non coder can get an album played ??
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Jim Hillegass
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2002, 01:29:28 pm »


That may be a bit to short, well lets hope not.
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2002, 01:37:34 pm »

It's hard to find a salutation for PhatPhreddy that isn't ludicrous.

I saw someone use Your Phatness the other day.  Your Phredness?  Phatty?

I imagine that PP knew he was inviting this by his choice of PhatPhreddy.
Jim Hillegass
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2002, 01:48:36 pm »

I generally find "your excellency" quite suitable for informal occasions Next Page....

THNX for the link my own dumb fault for not searching...

Its coming up on midnight with me and the better half is getting PO'ed at my tinkering (with this not her Next Page) so I will report in the morning...
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WOHOO This could be just the ticket....
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2002, 01:54:29 am »

OK I have been looking at this plug in... It is precisely the tool or building block from which a distributed whole house audio control system can be based.. (one machine centric amp switched not distributed machines)... I have already go this running a my webpads and now can browse my audio collection via wireless network and play / pause etc... Far more 'built in' than using a 2 Girder TCP/ IP approach... LOVE IT !!!

First point... Any way to make the plug in auto enabled ?? I can make it enabled but then must press start... If you think about it a 'server' should be able to boot and start serving from a power out... Perhaps once the server is started it could run until 'stopped' between shutdowns like the other plug ins ??

Second... Dont believe the volume controls are working properly... Commands are being passed but not getting actions accordingly.. I also notice that when you press the - or |PLS| buttons (1% at a time correct ??) it repeadly sends a command 1% lower than the listening eg listening at 75% it sends 74 74 74 74 instead of 74 73 72 71 etc... i suspect that this may be because the volume is not changing though and it is getting a 'volume state' variable that is not moving and minusing one and getting same answer... Am I being clear as mud here or do you get my drift ?

Third, Boy that is UGLY !! Thats the kind of plug in that only its coder could love (kidding)... Fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down... Feeding it with a catapult... etc... etc... So how was the HTML side of it coded ?? Is there a way a non coder could get into redesiging this ? If not what was it written in ?? C|PLS||PLS| would be  out of the question but with help I may be able to rip apart some VB ?? Even better is if the 'real' code could be seperated from the HTML side... Basically what I am looking for is as much info / SDK / Detail as I can immerse myself in for this puppy as i can see massive potential in this.

Forth, This may be that I dont know how to use MJ properly yet but when I use AV plug in or select an album from albums list they start at the beggining of the album.. When I select a 'play all' from inside 'album' in web plug in the tracks are 'shuffled' as a lot of what I listen to is DJ mixes this totally screws with the formats... I have shuffle off in MJ itself and cannto fathom why this is happening... The 'seq' field of albums wont stick rigidly with 'track' order ?

OK I will stop there.... I know this is probably awful timing to be bugging you about stuff as you are trying to rol your RC together (BTW that .284 has got rid of the only errors I had... 0 crashes so far) so if you need to tell me to wait thats cool (or just mail me so much SDK / stuff / code about this plug in you drown me in it and I cower in the corner with blood coming out my ears would be cooler Next Page)...

Either way you have a convert...

Keep on trucking

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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2002, 05:21:09 am »

Your Phexcellency,
Thanks for the kind words.  Any real help will have to wait until we've got 8.0 hog-tied.

The plug-in was written to demonstrate what could be done with the Interface plug-in SDK.  It isn't a finished work.  We still may work on it but it will be a month or so.  

So ugly is here to stay for now.  If the volume thing is our bug, we'll fix it.  Auto-start too, perhaps.

It was written in C|PLS||PLS|.

For order of tracks, two things.  Settings/options/something will let you set the sort order.  You can also re-order your album under properties/tools/fill track order from list something.

We appreciate your Phondness for our Phroduct.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2002, 05:52:21 am »

OK darn... C|PLS||PLS| was what I least wanted to hear... Am I out of line asking if you could let me peek at the code ?? NDA's and IP rights are all agreabel to me...

I strongly suspect that it will be out of my depth and if the plug in is to be truly successful (eg 3rd party fools like myself desiging web based stuff for it) separating the hard stuff from the content stuff will be required or at least a good goal...

Spent the last 2 hours or so reading up and improving my uderstanding of XML and although this may be a bit like Bart Simpsons lip reading (Well I always assumed I could) Next Page It did not look too unintelligable and would lend itself to this kind of database parsing and display funtionality pretty well...

Keep on trucking on getting this RC hog tied but if however was responsible for this acorn of plug in would help me understand it (or as I said scare me off) I would love to try and water it...
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If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough !!!
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2002, 06:01:45 am »

Just had a look into the interface SDK and the associated sleep timer source and its out of my depth...

Been about 9 years since I did any C|PLS||PLS| and I was not muuch good at it then !!

Just wish there was a way I could get to the HTML gerating side of it though...
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2002, 06:04:42 am »

We already use XML for everything except the main database.  Using it for that would cripple the speed of MJ.
Jim Hillegass
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2002, 08:17:24 am »

Tell you what... Let me back out on my backing out Next Page !!! AVS is full of keen coders and I am a good rabble rouser... I am sure I could pull in a coder to assist with the C|PLS||PLS| side and I will dive as deep as my time allows into the XML / HTML side...

All depends on how much info you are happy with me playing with... I just see so much possibility in this plug in as a remote skin system (you do know thats what we have been bugging you for for ages dont you ??) in fact IIRC the Glassando project that may have fizzled by now was entirely a flash / XML system with a java server... Images @ (BTW does this messageboard have a image / link embedding stucture like UBB or VBB ?? Any links on how I can prettyfy my vebiage ?)

If you let me recruit a few AVS tech heads (once you have this release out of the way) I really think this could make 'the AVS crowd' very interested in MJ... All that stuff about giving a man a fish and leading camels to water (or was it teaching a camel to fish ? !!)

Apologies if all I am doing is distracting you from the important stuff... I just am an enthusiastic soul Next Page !!!!

Listening to: 'Keine Melodien Featuring MJ Lan' from '2 Many DJ's' by '2 Many DJ's' on Media Jukebox anybody who likes DJ's as artists rather than dull as dishwater "Now thats what I call trance 15" do your best to find this album (out on SoulWax)... Who else could start with Peter Gunn (live) with Wheres your head at on top and get through Lue Reed / Destinies child / Dolly Parton (yep thats not a typo 9 - 5 !!) / Joe Le Taxi / plenty of other madness... 30 tracks spun in about 60 mins....  Now thats what I call madness Next Page !!!
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2002, 08:59:54 am »

We would really like to get in sync with the AVS group.  

[For those who wonder what AVS is, they're Audio Video Science, a business that sells high end equipment, but they also run a forum that is a hotbed for the radical fringe lunatics like Phreddy, who are wiring their toys together faster than the industry can go.  Here's a link: ]

For prettifying posts, it's under Posting Help above.  We're running a forum on two cylinders here, so don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed.  Links have to have a preceding back slash \ .

We'll talk about source next week.  It may be possible.  I really appreciate your offer to kick up some dust over there.
Jim Hillegass
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2002, 01:00:29 pm »

This is pretty trivial and you have far far better things to be doing but....
According to your Postiing help the (substitute { for sq brackets so that I can type it) line {}Support Email{/url} should give me an email link that embeds a mailto: into the HTML of the page right ??

Well if I do this exactly with mine insted of yours I get the following corruption...">Phat Phreddy's email link... I have tried substituting the appending {/url} for {/email} as the UBB (and I think VBB) source likes but no joy...

I have been doing all of this in a sig so if it works in a message I will delete and or humbly wash feet / say 12 hail maries / take the garbage out etc...

Again I must say... When I do all this stuff I am not driven by a compulsion to complain (honest to god) I have published enough bumb sites that I like it when somneone tells me when there is broken link etc....
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And another thing....
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2002, 01:08:18 pm »

Dear God I must be making myself about as welcome as a red headed step child here but...

When you 'preview post' its not quite right... If you go back to add a comma for example.. You lose the whole darn post !!!!

I mean how whould Tolstoy feel if when he re read his final draft of war and peace he discovered that he has mispuctuated a sentance.. 'hang on I will just slip back and fix that'  and POW Next Page and it was all gone... surely the point of preview is to fix and not to lose ?

I know I have only been here a day or two and about all I have done is point out what's wrong... For that I truly apologize... I LOVE YOUR APP !! I am only trying to debug for you... If you never fix any one of these things I WILL STILL LOVE YOUR APP... OK ?
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2002, 01:13:02 pm »

yes there are many things in this world that needs work done to them, i don't use preview

I use MS Word to do all my corrections when I fell like it (cut and paste).

i think that is more of a Internet Explorer problem.
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2002, 02:04:46 pm »

Have you ever had an old car that you loved and hated at the same time?  Didn't you have to take the bus sometimes or call your girlfriend?

It's a dog of a forum sometimes but it's the devil we know.  Real Soon Now...

Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2002, 08:40:06 am »

I hate to push this issue, because it seems it was already answered, but I'm still having trouble getting the web remote to play my albums in track order.  Has anyone had more success with this issue?  I have version 8.0.289 of Media Jukebox and use the default settings for track ordering (number, then name).  Furthermore, I name my mp3 files as Artist - Track - Title.  Nevertheless, it seems that the plugin is actually just picking a random order for the tracks (tho the same random order each time).  Any ideas?

Thank you for your help!


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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2002, 09:26:46 am »

Is shuffle on?

Are you selecting an album?  Or are you selecting all files or multiple albums.
Jim Hillegass
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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2002, 09:47:13 am »

Shuffle is off, and I just tried to repro the problem with shuffle on and it still occurs.

To play an album, I'm simply drilling down through the web pages until I get to something like "Home \ Media Library \ Artist/Album \ The Wallflowers" at which point I press the [play] link next to an album.  Interestingly enough, I've noticed the following is also occurring:

1. If I actually drill down to a list of individual songs on an album/in a folder, the list is in a random order (the same random order that the album gets played in)
2. I swear the list order I'm getting now is different from the list order I was getting this morning.  Unfortunately, even after restarts of the program and web server just now, I can't repro this (i.e. the same random order is maintained)

Any ideas?


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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2002, 02:26:31 pm »

OK, I just tested, and I can see the problem.  We'll fix it next week.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Any HowTo for the web server ??
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2002, 07:54:15 am »

Can you fix the volume bug while your fixing that other thing too??
It's a pretty easy thing to fix.

It's sending %30 (or something like that) instead of = so your not getting  setVolume=30 but instead are getting setVolume%30
(those are examples, not sure of the real values and variables).
All u have to do is make it send an = to the url path instead and it'd be fixed.

Thanks Next Page
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