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Author Topic: Mini Skin for Classical Music  (Read 1753 times)


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Mini Skin for Classical Music
« on: September 21, 2011, 06:06:17 pm »

I've just been browsing the mini skins available for MC, all 459 of them! Wow, a lot of creativity and work.

Is there any mini view skin that is friendly for classical music lovers (we always seem to be the poor cousin)? A skin that shows Name or Title isn't much help: a long list of Moderato, Adagio, Lento, etc. What we need is a skin that will show: Composer, Composition, Movement (i.e. Name or Title), Conductor, Soloist, Ensemble in a simple, even minimalist design.  An equalizer probably isn't necessary; most classical music lovers never use one. If there is an existing skin for classical music that you could point me to, or if any of you very creative people would like to design one, a lot of us would be very grateful. (And I have a lot more ideas on what is and is not needed in such a skin.)

I did buy a book on XML but quickly decided I'll get much further by admiring your tomatoes than trying to grow my own. (The secret to successful suburban gardening.) After 400+ skins for popular music, maybe it's time for a classical music one. Thanks for reading and appreciate your help. Hope to hear from you. guy007


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Re: Mini Skin for Classical Music
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2011, 10:29:20 pm »

Is there any mini view skin that is friendly for classical music lovers (we always seem to be the poor cousin)? A skin that shows Name or Title isn't much help: a long list of Moderato, Adagio, Lento, etc. What we need is a skin that will show: Composer, Composition, Movement (i.e. Name or Title), Conductor, Soloist, Ensemble in a simple, even minimalist design.

You can Right-Click in the area where Album/Artist/Name information about the current music file is displayed (just above the progress bar) and choose "Customize Display".  Add tags and fixed text to suit yourself.  My Play (Main) display has

Title: Library [Library] - [Composer]   -   [Album]   -   [Artist]
Status: [Name]      -    Track [Track #]      [Elapsed Time] // [Total Time] 

My Stopped mode Status line is

[Library] Library       --     [Zone]  Zone

Go wild!



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Re: Mini Skin for Classical Music
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2011, 06:49:54 am »

Hey Bill. Thx much; I wasn't aware of that option; it's especially useful to tell me when the Alternate Mode is on or off (opera, ungapped; symphonies, gapped); but before your post, I had  no indication of the mode. MC has an incredible number of (often hidden) features.

I still hope to find a true classical music mini view; just a dark screen with a little window at the top showing the essential information along with a progress bar. A high end headphone amp (Luxman for me) and the Seinhauser 800 cams with MC on a dedicated desktop. Beautiful, beautiful music.

Does anyone design mini views professionally, without charging two arms and a leg?  My guess is that a mini view design will run into the same roadbock that I hit with a Track Info Template, namely getting those user-designed fields that are not part of the TRACKINFO_INSERT predefined list. Ah well, life lurches on. Thanks again. Guy
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