im putting tracks together to burn a cd so i select them and drag onto the cd drive (no cd in there yet), MC asks what type of cd i want to burn (audio) and i get a typical view.
when i was using MC15 this list was sorted by seq(uence) order, under MC16 its some stupid 4 field sort that appears to be name based but isnt.
the problem is that every time i move a track to put it in the sequence i want it resorts all the tracks back into the original order and re-sequences them making it utterly pointless and impossible for the purpose of burning an audio cd.
i can even shuffle the order and then it resorts back to the original order and re-sequences.
if i click in the seq field view header to sort by sequence that works, until i move a track, at which point the sort goes back to whatever it was before and the sequence is wrong again.
after clicking on any of the column headers to re-sort the view, pressing F5 will remove the current sorting and revert it to the original sort method - this does not happen for any other view i have in MC
is there some option ive missed in the upgrade or has this been screwed up?
the drive view is showing the album field as sort #2 and the track number as sort #4, sort #1 and #3 are not in the view.
if i click on "No disc in drive" dropdown in the top pane and select another sort order nothing happens to the sorting.
if i select "Customize view..." from that menu i dont really get anything useful, just a choice of "View As" which only has "File List"; and "Settings" options of "Load a view..." and "Save this view...". you cannot customize the view from there (or anywhere else that i can find)
Media Center Registered -- C:\Users\Public\Programs\J River\Media Center 16\
Microsoft Windows Vista 6.0 Service Pack 2 (Build 6002)
Intel Core 2 2416 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 4191 MB, Free - 2347 MB
Internet Explorer: 9.0.8112.16421 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.6002 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6002 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.6002 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive E: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-215 Mode:ModeSecure Type:Auto Speed:Max
Drive F: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-215 Mode:ModeSecure Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Get cover art: No / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 100
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive E: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-215 Addr: 2:0:0 Speed:48 MaxSpeed:48 BurnProof:Yes
Drive F: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-215 Addr: 3:0:0 Speed:48 MaxSpeed:48 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No /