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Image handling
I would agree. MC is not an audio or video editor, so it should not be an image editor either. However some basic editing could be useful such as rotation and crop, but that is as far as I would go (or use). If I want powerful editing, I will use another tool.
Tagging on the other hand could use much improvement. I've seen many requests for users asking for support of certain tags\features etc. Was geo tagging ever supported? If not that is going to be pretty big as many cameras have GPS built in (cell phones).
Just my 2c.
--- Quote from: gvanbrunt on October 04, 2011, 04:55:20 pm ---Was geo tagging ever supported? If not that is going to be pretty big as many cameras have GPS built in (cell phones).
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16.0.100 (5/31/2011)
8. NEW: EXIF GPS information for latitude and longitude is read more completely (right-click > Update Library from Tags to fill existing files).
9. NEW: Added right-click image option "Locate on Google Maps" (only appears for images that contain GPS information in the Latitude and Longitude fields).
I thought so which is why I asked. Maybe I'm out to lunch and many of those requests got implemented.
Now if only the industry would get together and create some standards for captions/face tagging etc.. then information would be portable...
In the mean time if there were an easier way to import that meta data from Picasa etc, that would be awsome.
--- Quote from: gvanbrunt on October 04, 2011, 04:55:20 pm ---I would agree. MC is not an audio or video editor, so it should not be an image editor either. However some basic editing could be useful such as rotation and crop, but that is as far as I would go (or use).
--- End quote ---
You do know that rotation, crop, and many other editing functions are there, right?
--- Quote ---You do know that rotation, crop, and many other editing functions are there, right?
--- End quote ---
Nope. :) I do all that as part of my import process already with another tool. I do use them there so I see how it could be useful to someone. Now that you point that out, I may use MC as my "importer" and get rid of the other tool.
However I still feel that the effort needed to add more complex photo editing to MC would be better spent elsewhere. To even approach some of the cheaper tools (or free) would consume a lot of developer hours that could be better spent elsewhere. IMHO. I feel they fit in the nice to have category where there are many must haves in MC that are still missing.
I found something that might be nice for MC to have. That is unless it is already there and I have not noticed it... It would be nice if MC's import function could do a lot more automatically. Not just collect metadata, but possible move to approriate folders based on metadata collected. Doing so would combine what is now a many step process for many of us. It is also why I use another tool to import.
It would be great if you could import a folder and MC would apply certain things to the files based on what file type they are. For example IMDB for Movies, "TVDB" for television, Move them to predifined folder paths (like rename files function), etc then show them in a "recently imported" like window that allows accepting or modifying the chages. I believe others have pointed out something like this as well. I would make the final "recently imported" window optional as I'm sure many would not want to even check if changes were needed.
There seems to be many mentions of Meta Data in the requests. For MC to be the "ultimate tagger" in needs to have this functionality or I have to use other tools to have the information available. I hate to point it out, but when showing MC to others their complaint is the "X" does it automagically. It may not have all the features, but the workflow is easier for them...
Another thing that would be nice for meta data would be a "properties" pane. In a view it would be a seperate pane with details on the selcted file. It would have details like the Tag pane and be editable. I find the tag pane often too small for editing. Having it in the view area would greatly increase screen real estate. It would also leave more room to display big fields such as "movie description".
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