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Image handling

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You can use Library Tools/Move, Copy, Rename to do this.  Recently, I care less and less about this since MC handles the access without being too picky about where the files are stored.

You can maximize the Action Window.  Click on the little up arrow.

I don't mean to pour cold water on your ideas.  Keep them coming.

The one thing really missing is automatic resizing of images when uploading to a general ftp server. I do not need resized copies locally, so it would be nice to do it in one go: upload and resize. Surprisingly it is the one, single feature that is documented in the Wiki, but not implemented!!!

--- Quote ---Upload files to Web or FTP Server

Select files.
Right-click and select Send To > Email/Web > Web or FTP Server.
The FTP File Upload dialog box opens. Insert the following information:
Remote Host: For an address in this format: type in the following:
Address: Type in the following:
Note: the forward slash at the end is required
Path and Port: the path would be something like myname/music
Or you can type in the address field, with just music in the path.
Select the Port, and Enter the Login and Password.
HTML Page. If "Generate HTML Index Document" is enabled, provide Title, subtitle and a name for the index file. Set the thumbnail size.
If you are uploading images, select the Image Option button to modify the size of your pictures. The original pictures will not be affected.
Select the Upload button.
--- End quote ---

Jim, I realize you can move files. "Edit One" was more about Automatically tagging, moving, downloading album art, etc all during import. What is now a several step process could be automated for about 90% of my files and save me hours of work. I'm sure others feel the same.

As for not caring where the files are, many of us do. We access from other software/devices etc and need to have them in one place to make that easy. Backup software is one example. I would be much happier pointing MC to a folder full of files and have it process 90% of what I do automatically.

If you want to capture novice users, it has to be easy to use. I've been using MC for quite a few years and (as you've seen) there are features that I don't even know about. Lets face it, having those capabilites are nice, but only if you know they are there. Most users don't want to (or are not anal enough) to properly tag media due to all the steps involved. The only way to have awsome looking HTPC Themes is automatic tagging of meta data. That is how other software creates "stunning visuals" with Movies with covers and and all the data filled in. They do if for the user after setting it up once. Users don't pick XBMC because it is better than MC, they do it because it is easy for them to setup something impressive looking. It's sad because MC is a much better product. The one area it does lack, is ease of use, and not just because of the depth of the product. It's improving with Red October and the like, but more can be done.

Edit 2: you do have a point. That does make things easier, however I would thinking of a prettier view(s) sort of what is in Theater View.

Basic image operations are just fine and should be maintained (when they've been introduced in the first place).

I can't use MC's cropping, rotation, etc features since they don't update/handle the MS Photo 1.2 face tags. This is something I'd like to see (in addition to displaying these tags, of course)

Another feature which I'd think many users would like is simultaneous geo location (map) and image. Picasa does this. Picasa also geotags images but I don't think JRiver should implement functionality to geotag pictures.

So, a more focused support on image tagging would be appreciated.

And then there's the 1 to 1 mapping of city-state-country exif tags with MC tags, of course...

It would be really nice if MC handled the most common face tags. Picazza and MS Photo would be the majority I think. If it could hanlde for rotation, crop etc and also pull them names to a field that a veiw could then be created would be great. At this point I have to do some fancy footwork to make this happen.


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