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Author Topic: movie meta data tips  (Read 1696 times)


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movie meta data tips
« on: January 19, 2012, 11:34:59 pm »

Over the years I have settled on the following "standard" meta data for movies that I populate in Movie Collector. Not too much, not too little, with a nice mix of descriptions and reviews.

IMDB - brief 1 or 2 sentence description, year, cast, crew, rating
Rovi (AMG) - nice professional description, nice professional review, rating, also good for checking IMDB cast and crew
Amazon - professional review
DVD Empire - best high res front and back covers, distributor's product description
Wikipedia - optional extra information for special movies

I am interested in hearing what others use.


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Re: movie meta data tips
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2012, 01:26:16 am »

For cover art, I used to manually get covers from one of the following: in approximate order of preference from highest to lowest.

I used to prefer full front and back covers, so that movie synopsis could be read from a hi-rez file. (All of my sources seem to have significantly higher resolution than the DVD empire to me).
Now with metadata scraping built into the program, the back of the cover isn't necessary, and the TMDB front covers are good enough, and very easy to access. I'm getting lazy, and now my cover art collection is in a mixture of aspect ratios... from 'landscape' full front-and-back covers, to 'portrait' format movie posters.

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Re: movie meta data tips
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2012, 01:37:54 am »

That's similar to what I get using PVD. I'm interested only in posters, so I don't bother with DVD-related art. I find that TMDb is currently the best source for good-consistent-quality posters. Wikipedia has amazing articles for many movies, but I'd rather link to those than attempt to import.


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