> Make sure you are running Media Server and not Music01 Server. The old server may still be starting > up with Windows.
I am running Media Server. If I stop Media Server I cannot connect anymore. I can see Media Server task with the task manager but I cannot see anything called Music01 running.
> If you have more than one library on the server, are you sharing the correct one?
Hum... I created a new library yesterday and I cleared the default library. So I have two libraries, one empty and the other one full of songs. Media Server is configurated to use the same library as MJ and that seems OK as the client can connect and display the right one (with all songs). The problem is when I try to play a song.
I put some songs in my previous library (this one called Default) and I tried to connect to MJ from the client: I can connect, I can see the Default library (I know that because there is different schemes as the new library) but I CANNOT see any songs !!!
> Try connecting to your server from MJ running on the same PC.
Same problem.