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Author Topic: problem using Media Server  (Read 1162 times)


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problem using Media Server
« on: May 21, 2002, 11:32:14 am »

I think that is not build 276 specific so I prefer to open a separate thread. Media Server run well a few days ago but now I have the following problem: the "client" can connect to my Media Server and it can display the media library but it cannot play any song. The tab 'format' of properties windows displays the following:

Compression MP3
Format: Input plug-in did not return format information.

I reinstalled everything (last full install |PLS| last upgrade 276) on each PC without any result. Of course, I can play songs without problem on the "server" side. Media Server seems run correctly as the "client" can connect and retrieve the library. The problem seems related to the streaming of the song.

Any idea ?

Other point: I have two "clients", same problem for both so I feel that is a Media Server problem.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2002, 11:37:41 am »

Make sure you are running Media Server and not Music01 Server.  The old server may still be starting up with Windows.

If you have more than one library on the server, are you sharing the correct one?

Try connecting to your server from MJ running on the same PC.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2002, 12:13:01 pm »

> Make sure you are running Media Server and not Music01 Server. The old server may still be starting > up with Windows.

I am running Media Server. If I stop Media Server I cannot connect anymore. I can see Media Server task with the task manager but I cannot see anything called Music01 running.

> If you have more than one library on the server, are you sharing the correct one?

Hum... I created a new library yesterday and I cleared the default library. So I have two libraries, one empty and the other one full of songs. Media Server is configurated to use the same library as MJ and that seems OK as the client can connect and display the right one (with all songs). The problem is when I try to play a song.

I put some songs in my previous library (this one called Default) and I tried to connect to MJ from the client: I can connect, I can see the Default library (I know that because there is different schemes as the new library) but I CANNOT see any songs !!!

> Try connecting to your server from MJ running on the same PC.

Same problem.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2002, 12:15:50 pm »

Sounds like it could be the wrong library.  Check the setting in Media Server, then browse to the right location.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2002, 12:38:42 pm »

> Sounds like it could be the wrong library. Check the setting in Media Server, then browse to the
> right location.

Media Server don't show any library (including in C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\Data\) so you set it on a directory in blind way. Anyway either set to C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\Data\ or to the directory of my new library, there is the same problem: I cannot play song on the client side; the only difference is that I can display my new library but not my old library (the Default one).

Last try: I deleted my previous library (the called "Default") to check if Media Server don't get confuse with more than one library: the problem remains...


  • Citizen of the Universe
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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2002, 12:55:01 pm »

I don't believe it is a Media Server bug.  I believe it is a configuration problem.  

Make sure you can play the files with MJ running on the server.  Check how your file library path is set there.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


  • Citizen of the Universe
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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2002, 01:01:55 pm »

Try connecting to this server:

8123 is the port in the address above.

Try a check for updates (under Help in MJ).

Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2002, 01:06:38 pm »

> Make sure you can play the files with MJ running on the server.

I said it: I can play the files with MJ running on the server but if I connect the same MJ to Media Server (on the same PC) I cannot play the files.

> Check how your file library path is set there.

I tried both setting: "use the same library as MJ" and a "specified library". In the last case I tried to set my initial library (the one called Default) or my new one (in another directory).

> I don't believe it is a Media Server bug. I believe it is a configuration problem.

May be, but which one ? I used a lot the Media Server feature and I am almost sure now that it is related to the creation of my new library as the problem happened just after that.

There is a different behaviour with the initial libray as I cannot see the songs (but I can connect and see the schemes).


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RE:problem using Media Server
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2002, 02:24:27 pm »

> Try connecting to this server:

I cannot connect there. But may be I was not clear: I just want to connect to my private server. I can do it before and I cannot any more.

> Try a check for updates (under Help in MJ).

I have the last beta.

> Firewall?

I cannot play song connecting to Media Server on the same PC.

I unstalled and I reinstalled MJ. I add some songs to the Default library and I connected to Media Server. All is ok: I can play songs. I disconnected and I restore my library backup in the Default library. Then I can connect again but I cannot play songs ! Media Server status window indicates "sharing thread exiting".

Again, I used a lot of time Media Server without problem previously.
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