We're a small business in MN, And we advertise on google+ facebook, twitter, etc...
And today i was looking for some software, webbased, browser extension, etc... where we could sync all our social network media across all social network sites and remain up to date.
Is there anyway we can expand the options for Send to Gallery. to allow us to share our vids, pics, audio to our facebook pages albums? Also would it be possible to have the info syn'c. So when ever we tag a pic or vid it would auto sync with those social networks. By doing so. a Company could ALWAYS be sync'd in all social networks at once, One would just set up a rule that Goathead Custom Made T-shirts is an album name and that should stay sync'd with Goathead Custom Made T-shirts on social sites albums.
I love the send to command for facebook now, But it would be great to have 2 additional settings for it, Groups, and Pages, then we would have full access to uploading business stuff from jriver thats tagged right to our pages for our customers see.
the ability to upload to picasa, so that we can have our picasa albums sync with our google + accounts.
By having all these additional features. one could basically start an ad campaign from photoshop/dreamweaver. Save it to jriver, tag it properly, "GOATHEAD Glitter Material Ad - 25% off) and then chose send to All Social networks (in each social network one would already have default settings set up for each network, Save albums as new, upload to existing album, POST TO WALL, add a description, etc..) and then across all social networks the images, videos, status would be upto date and appear. (could advertise it as a backup for your social sites as well, because albums would all be tagged, and if social sites ever crash, or one ads a new social site, they can easily sync there pics, vids audio with just a few mouse clicks.)
Could add this for Youtube social networking as well. watch youtube playlist that we make, upload to any playlist, share youtube upload to other social sites.