In my music collection I have many separate artists that collaborate on eps and albums. Beccause of this, I don't name the Album Aritst field "Artist 1 & Artist 2", I use the ";" delimiter so that when I build my panes those albums appear under both artists.
Because I've opted to organise my music this way it has thrown up a few inconsistencies that don't look right. I've got a problem, I could live with it but I want to see if it is possible to iron it out..
In the image below you'll see that I have a selector pane that is just letters. These should change the Album Artist/Album pane correspondingly. You'll see that the letter "M" is selected but in the Album Artist/Album pane there are artist that don't begin with the letter M..
Here is the code for my selector
formatrange([Album Artist],1,1)
And here is the code for my Album Artist/Album pane
[Album Artist]\[Year - Album]&datatype=[list]
Is there a way to alter the code of the selector. That would for instance if the "m" was selected in the selector and were an entry for a track that the album artist field was named "M-Artist;A-Artist". The selector would then separate the two entries and ignore the one that didn't correspond with the letter selection..
I don't think I am getting the full picture here because it is the Album Artist/Album that is displaying the entries when a letter selection is made, so must that panes' code be altered as well?
Does anybody else separate multiple artist albums with a ";" delimiter? I've read some threads that say it causes problems for other music devices when you sync your music, I haven't experienced this yet as I haven't listened to music on any other device for quite a while.. This could be avoidable if in the sync options of J river that there was a check box that when ticked would temporarily replace the ";" in any album artist or artist fields with " & ". It would only have to happen as the music is syncing and only need done to the tracks in the sync list..
I hope this is solvable because it is plane ugly, although I wouldn't need a selector if my Album Artist.Album could have a search box built in