In a perfect world several images should be added and differentiated.
Personally I would like:
- Episode Image in a Thumbanail folder under each Season
- Season as season.jpg under each Season folder
- Series as series.jpg under each Series folder
- Banner as banner.jpg under each Series folder
- Backdrop under Backdrop folder for each Series folder
- Artist images under Artist folder as artist.jpg
- Cover (audio albums and movie covers) as cover.jpg under Albums or next to movie file
I think that would cover the most, yes 
I mostly agree, but I'd prefer if all the Season specific images went into an 'images' or 'metadata' folder, under each Season, instead of them all sitting next to the video files; and the Series specific images in a similar folder under Series; which in my case would be just one more folder next to the Season xx folders. Also...
- Episode Image in a
Thumbnail folder => [Episode Name].jpg (I actually don't mind the screengrab for each episode, but "official" images might be nice also)
- Backdrop under
Backdrop folder => backdrop.jpg for each Series (not another folder for this one item)
- Artist images under Artist folder as artist.jpg => I'm not sure what "Artist" it would pull for TV shows, so I don't think I'd actually want anything here actually, but perhaps I'm missing the point of this one. (maybe you mean this to be just for music?)
Like this...
V:\TV\Archive\The Big Bang Theory
\Season 01
\The Big Bang Theory - s01e01 - Pilot.mkv
\The Big Bang Theory - s01e02 - The Big Bran Hypothesis.mkv
\The Big Bang Theory - s01e03 - The Fuzzy Boots Corollary.mkv
\The Big Bang Theory - s01.jpg
\The Big Bang Theory - s01e01 - Pilot.jpg
\The Big Bang Theory - s01e01 - Pilot_mkv_JRSidecar.xml
\The Big Bang Theory - s01e02 - The Big Bran Hypothesis.jpg
\The Big Bang Theory - s01e02 - The Big Bran Hypothesis_mkv_JRSidecar.xml
\Season 02
\Season 03
\metadata (I could live without this folder also, if you'd prefer the images just sit next to the season folders)
This would keep only the actual videos together in one folder, and stick all the associated metadata files together in a separate folder; which is 'cleaner' when browsing outside of MC.