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Author Topic: View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view  (Read 4944 times)


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View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view
« on: November 26, 2011, 07:39:26 am »

Buying music online (and I mean legally purchasing flacs or other downloaded media) often comes with a nice (pdf) booklet. Is there any simple and few-click way such files can be viewed from theater or standard view?


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Re: View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 07:42:14 am »

import the pdf into MC, set your desired pdf software under options/file types or use "auto"


add custom field [booklet], set the file's path, use send to external --> pdfreader.exe / [booklet]


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Re: View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 02:29:53 am »

Thanks. And now I have tried both, and failed...and realize I am not a sufficiently advanced user yet.

1) How do you actually import a pdf into MC? I found import options that allowed me to import a lot of file types, but not pdf.
2) I would really need a detailed description on how to set up that expression. I mean - from scratch. If anyone would take the time I would really appreciate it. And it would get me started using expressions.

My intention with this was not only to be able to open a pdf from MC. What I'm suggesting is that I would like the possibility to view booklets and other media related to an music collection (such as a ripped CD or purcheased flac collection) in Theater View. They should become visible on screen when browsing into that particular album, much the same way as cover art. Then clickable and even better with an internal viewer.


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Re: View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2011, 05:16:45 am »

Quote from: Trumpetguy
1) How do you actually import a pdf into MC? I found import options that allowed me to import a lot of file types, but not pdf.

You have to check/Tick "Data Support" under options/general/features..also you can drag a PDf into MC

2) I would really need a detailed description on how to set up that expression. I mean - from scratch. If anyone would take the time I would really appreciate it. And it would get me started using expressions.

not sure what "expression" you are refering to, but if you mean my second suggestion..then you
1) create field for example booklet (Options\Library\Manage Library Fields), maybe you should set it as relational to album if you only have one booklet.

2) Populate the field with the actual path to the booklet

3) Add new External Tool...set your desired PDF reader as program path ex. \..\sumatrapdf.exe
and [booklet] as parameter..

...then when you have your track marked that has a booklet assigned you "send" it to your external tool

My intention with this was not only to be able to open a pdf from MC. What I'm suggesting is that I would like the possibility to view booklets and other media related to an music collection (such as a ripped CD or purcheased flac collection) in Theater View. They should become visible on screen when browsing into that particular album, much the same way as cover art. Then clickable and even better with an internal viewer.

you can do this, it's up to how you set up your view filters

Alex has a pretty massive idea collection about the subject here

Cover art: finding, downloading, scanning, linking, organizing, moving, backing up, embedding, and viewing cover art & additional album images (back, booklet, etc).

I once gathered many of my old, but possibly still quite useful cover art related links in the following two replies:



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Re: View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2011, 06:45:24 am »

PDF is in the Filetypes.  It's called Adobe Acrobat and it's under Data.


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Re: View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2011, 07:51:00 am »

Thanks a lot, this will keep me going for a while.

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Re: View pdf booklets in standard and/or theater view
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2011, 06:00:36 pm »

...then when you have your track marked that has a booklet assigned you "send" it to your external tool

This works well in Standard View. It's also possible (and more convenient) to define a link that will open [booklet] in an external reader. Using that technique, [booklet] could also be used to save a URL to a similar Web reference. In that case, separate links would be defined to handle PDF vs. HTTP references.

Unfortunately, there's no equivalent to Send To or Links in Theatre View. The internal browser (in Theatre View) can display a PDF if it has a PDF reader plugin. If that's the case, a "Webpage" item will display a specific PDF, but that doesn't help display those referenced in [booklet]. What's needed is a way to define "Links" for a view. The "Search URL" (to use the same term as the existing Links feature) could be a Web (http://) or File (file://) reference, and take any parameter associated with the selected file (like [booklet]). As such, it would function as a Link or a Send to item. There would be a "Links" item on the main roller, with a sub-menu listing any applicable links.

It is possible to import PDF's from audio folders and define a view that will include them. But it seems to me that will mess-up audio playback. Putting them in a separate booklets view would prevent that, but defeat the purpose. The reference needs to be available in the context of the album and any of the tracks it contains.
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