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Author Topic: Need help managing.  (Read 1680 times)


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Need help managing.
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:38:33 am »

1) is there a way to listen to one library and manage another simultaneously, and then import the managed library into the play library?  I have never tried this for fear of destroying the current library, and it's gotten so large that operations take forever. 

2) is there a way to construct a smartlist so that it will shuffle the current year, and once all of those have been played once return to the earliest year and play forward complete albums?  The idea is to be able to choose one smartlist that will always do that, because I'm constantly adding current stuff, and want to listen to it before I hear nostalgic stuff.

3)  As I type this, I've been sitting in silence for about 20 minutes, waiting for MC17 to remove 12,000 albums from the library because the jukebox reached the end of the current track.  How can I make this operation quicker, preferably so that the music is not interrupted?  I can see through the task manager that it's working on removing them but without an indication I can't tell how long the operation will take.

4) Is there a way to adjust the google search field?  I would like for it to search covers by album artist and album.  Is it based on IE?  Can I change it to Firefox?  Where does it cache and how can I set it to clear the cache periodically?  I would also like to search other databases such as mixesdb with a click in MC17, but I would need to work out the syntax for their search engines. 



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Re: Need help managing.
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2011, 04:13:57 am »

1) is there a way to listen to one library and manage another simultaneously, and then import the managed library into the play library?  I have never tried this for fear of destroying the current library, and it's gotten so large that operations take forever.

Not sure.  How would you resolve conflicts where the same track has been played in both libraries?

2) is there a way to construct a smartlist so that it will shuffle the current year, and once all of those have been played once return to the earliest year and play forward complete albums?  The idea is to be able to choose one smartlist that will always do that, because I'm constantly adding current stuff, and want to listen to it before I hear nostalgic stuff.

Yes.  Create multiple smartlists - one handles each request, eg one does new stuff, one does old stuff, them simply play them in order via a final playlist that includes the sublists.  If the new stuff playlist is empty it will simply skip to the old stuff playlist.

3)  As I type this, I've been sitting in silence for about 20 minutes, waiting for MC17 to remove 12,000 albums from the library because the jukebox reached the end of the current track.  How can I make this operation quicker, preferably so that the music is not interrupted?  I can see through the task manager that it's working on removing them but without an indication I can't tell how long the operation will take.

No idea.

4) Is there a way to adjust the google search field?  I would like for it to search covers by album artist and album.  Is it based on IE?  Can I change it to Firefox?  Where does it cache and how can I set it to clear the cache periodically?  I would also like to search other databases such as mixesdb with a click in MC17, but I would need to work out the syntax for their search engines.  

Using the link bar you can set up any searches you want.  My Google Images search uses the following syntax:

if([compilation],http:////"[album]")&hl=en&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&source=lnt&tbs=imgo:1&sa=X,http:////"[artist]" "[album]")&hl=en&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&source=lnt&tbs=imgo:1&sa=X)

It creates a ALBUM only search for compilations, but for non-compilations it uses ARTIST ALBUM - the extra stuff in the search expression tells Google to show image sizes in the results.



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Re: Need help managing.
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2011, 06:53:42 am »

Great, thanks.

Where can I go to learn the syntax required for an url like that?  I'm completely ignorant.

What sort of syntax could I use to find the current year in a smartlist, and how would I nest them?  I don't know how to do this.



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Re: Need help managing.
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2011, 07:47:53 am »

1) is there a way to listen to one library and manage another simultaneously, and then import the managed library into the play library?  I have never tried this for fear of destroying the current library, and it's gotten so large that operations take forever. 

2) is there a way to construct a smartlist so that it will shuffle the current year, and once all of those have been played once return to the earliest year and play forward complete albums?  The idea is to be able to choose one smartlist that will always do that, because I'm constantly adding current stuff, and want to listen to it before I hear nostalgic stuff.

3)  As I type this, I've been sitting in silence for about 20 minutes, waiting for MC17 to remove 12,000 albums from the library because the jukebox reached the end of the current track.  How can I make this operation quicker, preferably so that the music is not interrupted?  I can see through the task manager that it's working on removing them but without an indication I can't tell how long the operation will take.

4) Is there a way to adjust the google search field?  I would like for it to search covers by album artist and album.  Is it based on IE?  Can I change it to Firefox?  Where does it cache and how can I set it to clear the cache periodically?  I would also like to search other databases such as mixesdb with a click in MC17, but I would need to work out the syntax for their search engines. 
You can change the browser Chrome or IE in MC's settings.

The long pauses aren't normal.  Playback shouldn't be paused.  Virus checker?

Describe where your data and library are.  Local or network.  If network, try local test.


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Re: Need help managing.
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2011, 05:37:30 am »

Here's how the long pause happened:

Data are on local drives on hub in USB 2.0 port.  Library is somewhere around 150,000 tracks, most tracks are on the same drive.  I took the ones I wished to remove from the library permanently, changed the name of their base folder (L:\Music to L:\retired), and after that operation was done, chose via that folder in a Disk Location view scheme, and deleted from Media Library only.   Current track ends about 7 or 8 minutes later I guess.  MC17 takes 30 minutes to adjust the library, after which the paused song scrobbles, and then the next song starts.  The only reason I know it had not crashed was because I opened the task manager and saw J River using about 50% of my memory (4GB).

I'm doing a similar operation with a smaller amount of tracks to retire (about 1000) right now, and I'm going to just simply move the folder first, perform an import and let it remove the broken links.  Hopefully this will not pause it.  

The first way I'd tried it is more intuitive to my mind and the way I'd do it with little thought.  The second way strikes me as "going around my thumb."

My large library is constantly in a state of morphing like this.  I do so wish there were a simple menu choice that would bring up a cleaning dialogue (a la Ctrl-Shift-Delete in a browser bringing up the cache cleaning dialogue) that I could check off which "hidden items" in the library I'd like to delete from the library -- removed, CD info, network drives, and so on..  Because my library morphs so much I constantly have to keep it clean and barebones else I start getting ridiculous lag time for simple operations.


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Re: Need help managing.
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2011, 07:56:35 am »

Try turning off/uninstalling


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Re: Need help managing.
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2011, 08:40:50 pm »

I have no client.  I didn't know there was one.  I just have what's within MC17.  I did try stopping the scrobbling but it still paused with that large of an operation -- basically it's if the operation brings up a status box, and the operation doesn't finish before the mp3 is over, with or without scrobbling there will be the pause.    By status box I mean there's an actual box in the middle of the screen as opposed to something like a mass find and replace which will go to the status bar at the bottom and not interrupt the playlist.
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