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Author Topic: how to save 7.2 full version?  (Read 1607 times)


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how to save 7.2 full version?
« on: May 17, 2002, 04:56:44 am »

I have many problems with MJ8.To the point to not be able to use it as only a player
I do not post about it cause i know it is not a MJ problem,but a problem with my computer
I am testing all on my computer.Long storie because there is few things i just do not know how to do it,and i have to wait for friends to have time.
As you understand there is a lot of formats involve ,or if not, uninstall 7,give a try to 8,and back
But 8 will be out and all the 7 plug-in not avaible.
How can i save a full 7.2,with the pug-in?On a cd?On a drive not C-the one with Windows on it-
In this case how can i keep \save full 7.2 if i want to try again 8?
Ghost is not a solution,cause most of the time the new install of Windows,softwares or hardware is not the same than the one before.

I am an average MJ user ,so i can be very happy with only 7.2 at this time
Anyway i miss the replay\gain and one click "get artist info"
Beside this ,i do fell that the sound of 8 is better than the sound of 7.2
The main problem with 7.2 is that it is slow to rip.
If i rip to APE lot of cds and convert to other format overnight,it will be ok?
Thank you


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2002, 05:06:16 am »

Ripping to ape or wav and then converting overnight works.  

I don't suggest going back and forth between 7 and 8.  Try to get 8 running right.  There should be no difference between the two in that respect.  I think 8 is now more stable than 7.

What problems do you have with it?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2002, 06:35:32 am »

Here is the list.But i am sure you will not tell me they are MJ problems

I run ME,but same problems with 98 or 98SE
My average configuration is
Canon 2100bj printer-umax 2000p scanner- Hp 8200|PLS| cdWritter-Atapi cdrom x52
Pentium 3 900-256 omb ram-2 hard drives C=30gb,D=40gd Quantar i think

Average install for softwares:zonealarm-avg anti-virus-ashampoo uninstaller,windows-optimiser,windows power up-Naviscope[anti pop-up,cookies management,trace route,fetching]-
FreeAmp-RealPlayer-Windowsplayer- easy cd creator 5 platine-mp3 check-total recorder-GetRigth-power defrag-Audiogalaxy spyware free
IE 5.5-Opera 6-Netscape Communicator 4,79-Netscape email client
Running in the back ONLY Zone alarm and Naviscope[when surfing]
System restore-PCHealth -system file protection and movie maker removed

Same problems with 4 differents kind of keybroads and seven kind of mouses.
Same problems with all,none or any of the softwares on my computer
Same problem with printer and or scanner plug or not
same problems with just a full and basis Windows install
same problem with just clean install of 98 or 98Se,or ME,no softwares on the computer
Only connection,sound card and Windows updates:

Problem with most of the installs or updates-
HALF of any click,right or left,on any part of MJ=froze
Most of the time alt|PLS|ctrl|PLS|del ok to close MJ
But from there,half of the time MJ will not open,only the blue pop-up MJ windows
Very difficult to close MJ with alt|PLS|ctrl|PLS|del[up to 10 times]
And i need a cool boot  to start again MJ
The same with any light tagging-like to put album name on 5 or 6 songs

On the computer with the softwares on it
The brown mega-me skin on ,or no mega skin,the same
With MJ only as a player-connected to the weeb ,but no surfing,not even using the computer
From time to time,Mj lost colors,got a lot of black,the same for taskbars,desktop
Zonealarm,anti virus,naviscope blow away.Or one of them,or some or only one.The same if just only one of this program on the computer,or 2 of them.
Of cause MJ frozing after a time,just playing the same few seconds for ever
In this cases only cold boot possible
DownloadManager allway default ,no matter the settings

This are the most visible problems

If i try RealJukebox,i mean only it on computer,fine
With MJ7,i do not have problem

Because of it,i would like to be able to save a full version of MJ7.

As you see,not problems on your side,but on my side

Still have to try another modem,ethernet card and remove cdwritter and or cdroom.I have the feeling that the problem is with the cdwritter.Because there is problems i have since the first day[skipping when playing music,even if i only surf].And only the cdwritter remains from my original computer

As you see,no time to be bore!In fact i want to upgrade to Windows 2000 since months,but i do not see the point to do it as long as there is something wrong with my computer

There is another thing from the first computer still on this one.I do not know how you call it .The card[?] where you plung the cdroom,cdwritter,the hard drives

I started to use MJ when it had DownloadManager and have the same problem since with all numbers


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2002, 07:27:37 am »

Sorry,me again
Concerning back&forth betwen 7 and 8
I do not do it all the time
Let say i try a new configuration,new drivers or anything.After that-most of the time it is after a clean install- i try 8.If i still have a problem,in this case i reverse to 7
Until the next time i will try another test.All the time i use 7 ,it is ok.
But,on the same install i do not back&forth ,after a try to 8,i just stay with 7,even if there is new 8 built.I do the 8 uninstall under safe boot


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2002, 07:33:10 am »

I want to read this more carefully, but did you install the FULL 9MB version first?  It's on our downloads page and you must install it BEFORE you install anything labeled upgrade (6MB).
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2002, 08:08:14 am »

YES! I know you have to do it,i saw posts about it.Beside this from the first beta i had-as i said was when you got DownloadManager- i am sure that all the time i used a full install

I am sure that the problem is on my side.I see the situation like it:MJ8 is a very sophisticated software.If you run it on a computer with problems,MJ8 acts as a tester,i will say a 'take no prisonner' one
Look all the problems with the Creative soundcard.
Be sure i do not complain.I just worry about the fact to not be able to get the plug-in for 7,2 when 8 out.Because of it i would like to know how to save a full 7
It may takes time before i find out.Even more because sometimes i get fed-up with it,and just stop to try to find out
My Pentium is one year old,hard drives and cdr from last summer,so to buy a new computer do not look like a solution


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2002, 08:19:39 am »

I made a CD backup of MJ7 this way.....

Create a directory where you'll put all the files.  Mine is d:\my_data\install\mj

Files you need:
     -You'll need the MJ install executable e.g. (MediaJukebox72.exe)
     -Don't forget your license (.rrg) file
     -The .mjp file for each of the plugins you want (enc_lame.mjp)
     -The corresponding .zip file for each plugin (

To get the .mjp files, go to the plugins page and right click..."save target as" for each plugin.

After you have the .mjp files in your chosen directory, edit each with notepad.  Note the URL for the location of the .zip file required for the install package.  Its like the 4th line down and it looks like this: "Url=".  Copy and paste this url into the address bar of your browser and then save this .zip file to the same directory as the .mjp files.  Then edit the .mjp file to reflect the new location of the .zip file.  In other words, change "Url=" to this: "Url=c:\my_data\install\mj\".  Do this for each plugin you want.

Burn a CD with all this stuff.  Then you can reinstall by restoring the files from the CD to c:\my_data\install\mj.  To install the plugins, just double click each .mjp file (after you've installed mj and restored your license).  I hope I haven't forgotten anything.


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2002, 08:22:07 am »

We have seen some problems when zonealarm was installed.  Not this one, but could be related.  They only disappeared when zonealarm was UNINSTALLED, not just disabled.

If I understand you, it happens on mouse click, and not every mouse click, but just one in two tries or something like that.  That sounds like hardware interrupt problems.  Two devices competing for the same interrupt.  Solving those takes time.  Pulling cards out, testing, etc.

Bad memory also produces similar symptoms.  Pull one stick of memory out and then the other...
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2002, 09:05:52 am »

Yes the most annoying problem is the click one
To have zonealarm,or antivirus or naviscope blowing away from time to time is something i can live with.I mean even if it was a very well know MJ bug-By the way the same problem with the free 2,76 zonealarm or the new 3pro that i have now-

But the click one is very.....imagine you open 3 times MJ,you rebot 3 times  before you get the first music.....
The fact that i am sure it is not MJ problem is that it happens "by waves"I mean few hours without problems,no matter how many clicks.And BOUM the problem is back,or other times it is 100% of the clicks who give problems.There is no way to to use MJ

For once i am not happy to tell you you are right,yes i have a big mess
I will buy a new memory card,check the card where the hard drives are plug and change the wires of the cdwritter
If one day i found out,i am sure it will be a small and stupid thing the cause of all

Anyway,thank you for the help and to post reminded me that the card where hard drives are is still from the first [very junk]computer.If i am lucky.....

thank you.I have one or two questions.But it will be for tomorrow.Here it is evening and i will go out.Beside this to try to find out drives me mad
If i can save a full MJ7,it is big news to me.i was really worry about it

Nice week-end to all


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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2002, 02:09:15 pm »

Just a thought, but it sounds like to me that your using the motherboard (card that drives and stuff hooks into) out of your old computer and just by reading it sounds like your old computer was a HP desktop. Now if Im wrong then ignore this, but the problems you are expereicing could be due to that HP motherboard. OEM motherboards arent very keen on being upgraded and tweaked. Although they come from a certain motherboard manufacturer, they are usually very limited in their options and capabilities. Your best bet would be to change motherboards first and then go from there. Because next to buying new RAM if you RAM is fried, buying a new motherboard is not an expensive process. You just have to be sure you know what your looking for. Now theres one more possibility and that could be that youre using a controller card and that your controller card is fried. Which once again is a fairly inexpensive ordeal. But it really sound to me like a OEM motherboard problem. Trust me, OEM motherboards are the devil. HAHA. I just went through 4 months of crap dealing with my gateway mobo. Finally changed it out a month ago and its made a world of difference. Hope ive helped some
J. A. Hayslett

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RE:how to save 7.2 full version?
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2002, 03:09:20 pm »

I think you are on the right side,and i will ckeck it next week.Money is not that much a problem.But i am feed-up to give money to "technicians"You know the ones you teach every time you speak 5 minutes with them.Most of the time you get money when you teach,not the other way...
The problem is that ,in my case and it is true for many,when you buy your first computer you just do not understand anything
Mind you i got a pirate Windows 95 and was charge the full Windows price!Do not ask me where is the shop,it is close since long-because of me-
If i have to be f...,it is when ,where and by who,according to my taste...
But you know,to be able to go to was NIRVANA,and if you have a problem it was  -of cause- because of your ISP
I am sure i did a mistake to care only about a new Pentium and new hard drives.And there is not logical raison to have such problems with MJ8.My computer is not a monster,but i do not do games,i do not have "office".Just surf and music.Mp3,rip,burn.For it i have a quite fair computer as far as i can understand
will check and let you know
Thank you and have a nice week-end
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