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Author Topic: MC17 crashes when playing with zones and MC Remote  (Read 1179 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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MC17 crashes when playing with zones and MC Remote
« on: December 28, 2011, 10:41:53 am »


I've been playing around with zones a bit. This is the setup:

- 1 Windows 7 PC (quad core Intel I7) with 2 zones configured.
- 1 Windows XP PC (Mac Mini, older version, running with BootCamp) with 1 zone.

MC Remote is connected to the latter (XP).

As long as I stay in the 'Here' zone everything works fine. When I however go to the 2 zones on the W7PC after a while things get async. Only 1 zone of the W7PC is shown. Play, Pause, etc. don't work from the remote and PC's anymore. The queue (playing now) is displayed wrong for all remote zones. The local is displayed correctly. On the W7PC the remote zone shows it's 'Current Playing' wrong too. Sometimes it gets worse and MC crashes (on 1 or both PC's).

Although I send the zone ID with all commands for the WebService not all commands work when a remote zone is selected. F.i. when I choose the view mode (Standard, Mini, Display, Theater or Cover) this is only executed on the XPPC (where the remote is connected to).

I've not done anymore testing since it just doesn't seem to work correctly.

When I only use MC17 on both PC's everything, for as far as I've tested, seems to work ok. I guess there are some mismatches with the webservice here.

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