I upgraded my server this weekend, and part of that was goung from MC 16 to MC 17. But something's weird: Almost every time I shut down MC it will resist for a long time, saying "Saving tag changes (x remaining)". At the moment it's 1 remaining, like it's been for the last five minutes. I don't dare to kill the process because that probably means that it will mess up the music file it's working with. But if it's still like this in an hour I'll have to.
And I haven't initiated any tag changes, so I really wonder what mischief it's up to with my dear music library. I really hate the thought of it messing up what I've spent hours and hours writing in, partly manually and partly with the tag tools. Is there anything new in MC that should cause this? I'm on version .64, which I downloaded yesterday. And where can I see (after MC's been shut down and restarted) what files it has been tagging? Part from doing a search outside MC with files changed the last few days, of course.